THE 7 TH COMMANDMENT: HELPING OUR NEIGHBOR Lesson 23 Faith Foundations Course One
HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR 1.Recall how Abram and Lot had to separate so they could support their flocks and herds in Genesis 13:5-11. How did Abram show concern for Lot and his family? He let Lot choose first.
HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR 2.Why do you think Abram was willing to let Lot choose the best land? He was concerned for Lot’s well-being. He also trusted that God would give him what he needed.
HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR 3.Read Philippians 2:4. Abram obviously followed this principle. Lot didn’t seem to. If Lot had, how do you think he might have chosen differently? He might have not chosen the best land, or he might have split it so both sides could share.
HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR 4.An office worker one said: “I won’t do any more than I have to. Whenever there is a problem here, my boss always sides with the other people I work with.” What is wrong with that attitude? That worker is self-centered. She should be looking out for her coworkers as well as doing her fair share.
HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR 5.If she wanted to improve her employer’s business, what might she do differently? She might speak well of her supervisors, stop causing divisions among the coworkers, work harder, and look for ways to train to be a better worker.
HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR 6.Miss Maria is an elderly widow who lives alone in a house that is falling apart. One day a group from church showed up with paint brushes and hedge clippers. “We’re here to keep the Seventh Commandment today,” one man said with a smile. What do you think he meant by that? They were going to help Miss Maria improve her property.
KEY POINT #1 God commands us… to help our neighbor improve his property and source of income.
PROTECT THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS 7.Recall Genesis 14: What had happened to Lot, his family, and their possessions? They had been captures and carried off by some enemies.
PROTECT THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS 8.Imagine that you are Abram. What excuses could you think of for not getting involved? It’s Lot’s fault for choosing that land to live on. It doesn’t really concern me. Besides, if I go to Lot’s aid, I might lose my own life.
PROTECT THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS 9.How might you use Abram as an example to encourage Jessica to help Mr. Woods protect his business? Abram got involved even though he put himself in danger. He trusted God to be with him as he went out to protect Lot and his family and property.
PROTECT THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS 10.Read 1 Corinthians 13:4,5. How will such love help Christians keep the 7 th Commandment in the following circumstances? a. A student sees that his rich and often unfriendly classmate left her purse in the lunchroom. Instead of stealing it, return it to her or turn it in to the office.
PROTECT THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS 10.Read 1 Corinthians 13:4,5. How will such love help Christians keep the 7 th Commandment in the following circumstances? b. A fast-food worker faces a dilemma. His friend expects that he will get his food for free whenever he comes to the restaurant. That’s stealing. Besides, the worker could get fired for doing it.
PROTECT THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS 10.Read 1 Corinthians 13:4,5. How will such love help Christians keep the 7 th Commandment in the following circumstances? c. You see some high school kids sneaking into a vacant house down the block. You know that if you call the police, you may have to stay around and answer questions, but your friends are waiting for you at the mall. Helping your neighbor is more important than hanging around at the mall.
KEY POINT #2 God commands us… to help our neighbor protect his property and source of income.
WHAT DOES GOD COMMAND IN THE 7 TH COMMANDMENT? 1.God commands us to help our neighbor improve his property and source of income. 2.God commands us to help our neighbor protect his property and source of income. SUMMARY God commands us to help our neighbor improve and protect his property and source of income.