Presentation II A Discussion with School Boards: Raising the Graduation Rate, High School Improvement, and Policy Decisions
Present information on the Virginia Graduation Rate Review the Standards of Accreditation requirements concerning the Graduation and Completion Index and accreditation for and beyond Review a comprehensive, systematic process for high school improvement through the Eight Elements of High School Improvement Present information on the Virginia Early Warning System Tool and Guide Promote discussion on policy issues affecting high school improvement efforts Presentation II Goals for Presentations
Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction Assessment and Accountability Teacher Quality and Professional Development Student and Family Supports Stakeholder Engagement Leadership and Governance Organization and Structure Resources for Sustainability *National High School Center Presentation II Eight Elements of High School Improvement: A Mapping Framework*
Presentation II Element 1 Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction Everyone in the system is responsible for ensuring that all students have access to rigorous content and instruction. Aligned to local, state and national standards Use multiple research-based instructional strategies Address both academic and workplace readiness skills Based on student instructional needs and aligned with instruction in other content areas to support thematic and project-based learning, tiered instruction, etc. Include academic supports and involve continuous progress monitoring/formative assessment
Balanced assessment and accountability systems cover a broad range of formal and informal assessment policies and practices aligned across multiple levels. Grade promotion policy Grading policies Formative assessments Provide timely and effective feedback and access to data Collect and report data over time to measure student growth Teacher and program performance measures, rewards, and consequences Presentation II Element 2 Assessment and Accountability
Balanced assessment and accountability systems cover a broad range of formal and informal assessment policies and practices aligned across multiple levels. Support continuous progress monitoring through formal and informal assessments Provide access to college and work readiness assessments Support the early identification of students with special needs and at-risk of failure Include both internal and external accountability Presentation II Element 2 Assessment and Accountability (cont.)
Recognizes a teacher’s need for deep content and pedagogical knowledge and includes a broad set of recruitment, preparation, induction, professional growth, and retention policies. Accreditation of teacher education programs Based on standards for staff development and adult learning and pass quality reviews Promote student-centered instruction Abilities of and opportunities for teachers to work together Presentation II Element 3 Teacher Quality & Professional Development
Recognizes a teacher’s need for deep content and pedagogical knowledge and includes a broad set of recruitment, preparation, induction, professional growth and retention policies Include both internal/external accountability Increase skills in student assessment and adjusting instruction accordingly Embedded and ongoing Develop teacher leadership skills Promote effective classroom management skills Presentation II Element 3 Teacher Quality & Professional Development (cont.)
Presentation II Element 4 Student and Family Support All high school students need guidance and supports that address the whole child, including physical and socio-emotional needs, through positive conditions for learning. Attendance Transitions within high school Post-high school transitions School culture/climate Student discipline
Outreach to homes and families Promote co-curricular activities English as a second language Student Assistance Programming Presentation II Element 4 Student and Family Support (cont.) All high school students need guidance and supports that address the whole child, including physical and socio-emotional needs, through positive conditions for learning.