INTRODUCTION Childhood Parents Marmied and Helping Dieth Conclusion
CHILDHOOD Born in February 26,1846 He had a uncle that he never know of his name was Isaac He did not now how to wirte
PARENTS The Cody family had then moved to Westen,Missouri a town on the Missouri Bill’s dad was going some town but he said do you want to cone with me he said yes Bill’s parents was not fun and some time fun
MARRIED Buffalo bill wife name was Margaret Louise Frederic was born in Arnold,Missour May 27,1844 Present day Jeff Bled and Frederitzi lane just south of thee church road Buffalo bill had a child and it was a girl Buffalo bill had four kids but one of it die
DEATH In 1917 buffalo bill die while visiting his sister home in Denver According to his wife Loura it was his choice that he be buried on look out Mountain over looking Denver and plains On June 3,1917 buffalo bill was busied on look out Mountain promontory with spectacular view of both the happiest tines of his life
CONCLUSION I hope that you got a lot of information about Buffalo Bill He is a famous piece of our history