Year 7 in High School 2015
The facts This change brings Qld in line with other states Current Year 5s (2013) will be the first cohort of Year 7s in high school They will be approx. 6 months younger than year 8s today Additional facilities provided
HPSHS – Guiding principles for Year 7 1.A safe, familiar, predictable, disciplined environment 2.High Quality Learning & Curriculum– building strong foundations 3.Varied experiences supported by quality resources 4.Building a Secondary SchoolIdentity
1. A safe predictable environment A disciplined environment conducive to learning Parent access to teachers (weekly drop in time, classroom support, Term BBQ) Dedicated playground Priority access to canteen, buses Transitioning to high school routines
2. High Quality Learning Foundations for all students to develop a career pathway, whether academic or vocational Informed by “The Art & Science of Teaching” pedagogy (ASOT) Taught by middle school and specialist teachers
2.Cont Curriculum Consistent with national and state curriculum in English, Maths, Science, History, Geography Class Model – Middle school trained teachers taking core program, (English/History or Maths/Science), access to secondary specialists
3. Varied experiences, Quality resources Opportunities for secondary elective subjects eg Home Economics, Manual Arts Text hire and resource scheme will operate (currently $205) Secondary sports competition (Tues) Access to high quality IT
4. Secondary School Identity Developing independence – time management, study skills Developing skills with our expert support team – health and well being, safe behaviour (including online), relationships, conflict resolution
Expected outcomes Year 12 graduates with ambition and career aspirations - good OPs, strong vocational links, work readiness and business skills Year 12 graduates who are confident yet humble, good citizens who care for others