Making Derby Work Project research results and recommendations Henry Murray Project Manager 10 th June,2011.
Introduction Where the project came from Project objectives, management structure, team resource, funding sources Methodology: priority sectors, research methods Key achievements and outputs
Economic context Key economic challenges: –Unemployment rate –Population growth projections –Demographics –Qualification rates Overview of results of the research and our recommendations for the future…
Headline findings Employers want a seamless service of support from the city- a Derby “Offer” Employers want young people to come with the right attitude and a real awareness of the world of work. Employers want to be listened to and involved in the planning of school curricula, further and higher education
Manufacturing An extremely important sector in the city both now and for the future. Current skills gaps include work readiness of young people and concerns over apprenticeships Future skills gaps include expansion demand / replacement demand
Health and Social Care Image of the sector. Serious worries about being able to fill their current vacancies. Lack of clear understanding of support available. Lack of specialised training.
Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism skills gaps include: customer handling skills, technical, practical or job specific skills, team working and “attitudinal” skills. Image of the sector. Training seen as expensive and not meeting need- a strong view from SMEs.
Retail Red tape and bureaucracy ‘Right personality’ or ‘basic working skills’ lacking On the job training to be formally recognised. Need for more specific technical and practical training being readily available
Public sector Suggestion of a skills ‘passport’. Use experienced staff as mentors. There is a focus on developing a multi- skilled workforce. Need to bring in young people to develop tomorrow’s workforce.
Creative Industries Current skills gaps centre on high level technical skills, management and customer facing skills. Employability training to prepare for the work place. More regular showcasing of Derby’s creative talent.
East Midlands Airport Difficulty in recruiting locally for specialist posts such as Import/Export Need for a greater awareness of the types of jobs available-shift work; overnights etc esp. with young people. Difficulty around affordable childcare. Work experience is an issue due to security checks required.
Supply Qualifications vs. skills debate Role of Derby College/further education Work Programme Apprenticeships Higher Education Schools/education/curriculum
Recommendations Focus on schools and young people Link learning provision to the employment and skills needs of business sectors Provide a seamless service to employers Enable adults to access jobs in priority sectors ESTABLISH AN ENABLING ORGANISATION TO LEAD DELIVERY