Analysis of the Human Face (continued) 9/15/06
IMPORTANT! Any new students should identify themselves to Dr. Pergolizzi NOW, to obtain a book, and a course outline. –These students will be instructed on how to take the “face measurements” –Data they generate will be added to the database we will build today ALL students should take a copy of the handout and the new, improved course outline!
What did we measure? Length of Ear Interpupillary Distance Length of face Width of face –2 measurements (ear to nose, both sides) Length of nose
How will we analyze the data? Measurements for each subject will be entered into an Excel spreadsheet and used to calculate: –Mean, deviation, variance and standard deviation Data will be combined to analyze –Group 1 vs. group 2 –Male vs female –Other groupings? Differences between groups will be analyzed for significance using the student’s t test
Students will: Enter the measurements they obtained into a database –See “face datafile” Upon completion of the database each student will take a copy. –Can use disk, flashdrive, or to yourself For each set of measurements (e.g., subject X, interpupillary distance) calculate mean, variance and standard deviation (SD) –Insert columns as required For the entire group of measurements (e.g., group A interpupillary distance) calculate overall mean, variance and SD –Insert columns as required
Extra Credit Any student who did the extra credit exercise… –Obtain data from the internet or other source on facial data from another population E.g., distance between eyes as a function of gender, age, etc. …is encouraged to share their findings with the group
What does the analysis mean? Have we introduced any biases into our measurement? Is what we have done an “experiment”? What conclusions can be drawn from our measurements? Can we extrapolate to the general population? What would you do to improve the quality and/or significance of the data?
For Next Time: Analyze the data for “Group A vs Group B” for significance as determined by the student’s t test with p<0.05 Please read Chapters 11 and 12 (page 167) in “The Art of Science”. Now is the time to begin to think about your research projects! –Please come to chat with Dr. Pergolizzi and/or Ms. Leonardi to begin the process of identifying and refining an interesting research project that could be accomplished in the limited time available