An-Najah National University RUFO Project Jericho- Palestine Feb
E-Learning KSF Top Mgmt. support. (awareness, involvement) (Incentives and Training) Infrastructure. (Networks, Servers, Service, Support) The 3 pillars. - Students. - Instructors. - Course Containers, Digital Contents.
Objectives Our main concern is to enhance the quality learning outcomes, by reaching an optimum mix, through blending and integrating the new era technology offerings into our teaching/learning system.
The Student The Digital Natives Zajel Program (SIS)
The Instructors Awareness (workshops) (workshops) Involvement (Tech. & pedagogical)
The On-Line Course Containers OC 2 and The Digital Contents. OC 2 provides the Shell for the learning content. Facilitate student and Instructor Comm. OC 2 features: Posting Contents, Notes, events. Creating discussions. Feed Back: assignments, quizzes. Monitoring student's activity log file.
Tools Zajel JSP, Java, Oracle. OC 2 PHP, PostGresQL.
Actors Collaborative work of: –NNU CC –Computer Eng. Dept. –IT –E-Learning Committee.
Solved Problems Communication: (Univ., Instructors, Students) Availability of on-line info. E-learning committee.
Future Challenges Digital Content Development. Awareness. Involvement.
THANK YOU E-Learning “has become a strategic necessity, Believe it, Act on it, or become a foot note in history.” (James O’Brian)