AGENCY CONNECTIONS VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP)
MRS & Oakland County Oakland Schools sponsors an Interagency Cash Transfer Agreement (ICTA) $120,000 + match = $444,444 MRS services for Oakland Co. students Includes Project SEARCH non-CMH eligible students FY October 1 – September 30 MRS Counselor assigned to each LEA Public schools only – districts/public school academies Local District ICTAs
MRS Counselor by District
IEP: Consent to Invite Departments Special Education Forms IEP
IEP: Transition Section
When to Get Consent & Invite MRS Providing information about MRS is a transition activity _______________________ If the student has an open case & is working with an MRS counselor and MRS is providing/paying for services (evaluation, placement, training, job coaching, etc) = consent & invite to IEP
B13 Secondary Transition Consent & Invite Agency