The Middle East – Unit 7
Use the five themes (Location, Place, Region, Interaction, and Movement) to describe Turkey, Israel, and Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. Create a graphical organizer (Web, Chart, etc) to do this.
TurkeyIsraelSyriaLebanonJordanReligion Type of Government Major Problem Greatest Strength
Trace or copy the map on page 367. Label the countries, and leave the rest of the area inside the country blank. You will use this to record the information below. 1) Label the following areas / landforms: Arabian PeninsulaTigris and Euphrates riversPersian Gulf Red SeaMediterranean sea. 2) Under each country, write down the type of government it has, and what its major economic recourse is. Read the case study on page 404. List 4 ways that the oil discovery has changed Saudi Arabia. (hint: Think about what they did with the money)
Fold a piece of paper in 1/2, lengthways. Then, fold it in 1/2 along the width. Unfold it, and you have a 4 box chart. Label the first box Iran, the second Iraq, The third Afghanistan, and the fourth Saudi Arabia. Find the following information for each country. Major ReligionLanguageEthnic Groups Ancient HistoryModern History System of Government
Changes since the Soviet era Ethnic Groups Type of Government EconomyKazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan