ID-01 report 17 September 2014 IDIB meeting, Enschede Michel Schouppe
Strategic Assessment Report Data management. Provide a shared, easily accessible, timely, sustained stream of comprehensive data of documented quality, as well as metadata and information products, for informed decision-making. A target under the responsibility of the Infrastructure Implementation Board. ID-01 Advancing GEOSS Data Sharing Principles: A Task reported to the Institutions & Development Board
Strategic Assessment Report Rationale for Target Rating: Data management is progressing on a number of fronts (e.g. processing, validation, quality control, modelling, visualization), and the establishment of a Task Force to develop Data Management Principles is a very welcome step towards reducing gaps and variations in practices that vary a lot from country to country and organization. Whereas access to key environmental datasets (with metadata) is improving, harmonization is often lacking and gaps remain in historical data, model outputs and socioeconomic data. On the other hand, the ability to extract information from historical, current and future source data is increasing significantly.
Task Assessment Report
Task Assessment Report (cont.)
Recommended Actions for GEO Members and Participating Organizations DM1. Contribute to the work of the GEOSS Data Management Principles Task Force so that a broad consensus is reached by the GEO-XI Plenary; DM2. Awareness and use of both, the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) and the GEOSS Data-CORE, are still low in the user community. More effort is needed to bring data users from the Societal Benefit Areas (the demand side) together with data providers via the GCI, and Data-CORE. Data providers should also be encouraged to further improve the quality of the data sets made accessible through GEOSS, and to respond to related prioritized user requests; DM3. Work towards harmonization of key global datasets contributing to Societal Benefit Area Essential Variables in collaboration with existing initiatives in GEOSS, and new activities proposed in the framework of Global Geospatial Information Management (UN GGIM); DM4. Encourage data providers to provide access through the GEOSS Common Infrastructure to (i) historical datasets for longitudinal analysis, and (ii) outcomes of modelling and forecasting activities for future scenario analysis; DM5. Ensure adequate representation on the Data Sharing Working Group from the Middle East, South America, and Asia-Pacific regions.
ID-01 activities Drafting of the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles Post-2015 To reflect the rising open data trend Free, full and open data sharing as default standard Better recognition of the GEOSS Data-CORE Approved by EXCOM in July 2014 (EXCOM-31); for GEO-XI Plenary Revision of the DSWG White Paper on Legal Mechanisms to Share Data as part of GEOSS Data-CORE Follow-up of Summary White paper on legal options (in 2011 and 2012) Revised definition of legal interoperability Recommends a list of open access licenses and waivers to share data as part of the GEOSS Data-CORE Approved by EXCOM in July 2014 (EXCOM-31) ; for GEO-XI Plenary
ID-01 activities (cont.) Continued activity to register pledged data in GEOSS and to expand the GEOSS Data-CORE More contacts with a series of institutions from different countries or Participating Organizations, leading to additional registered data 30 brokered data providers, more accessible data, more GEOSS Data-CORE data (Positive trend even if issue about the meaning of absolute numbers) AIP-7, testing of licensing metadata, definition of use metrics Testing of the tagging and recognition of the GEOSS Data-CORE compatible licenses Preparation of future testing of the already defined use metrics Collaboration with the Data Management Task Force Co-chairmanship of the DM-TF Best practices identified, defined categories of principles, drafting of the principles and a set of questions, ongoing consultation. For GEO-XI Plenary Expanded participation of developing country representatives Outreach activities and preparation of a side event in Gabon
ID-01 activities (cont.) Expanded participation of developing country representatives DSWG letter for expansion sent to GEO Members and Participating Organisations Four nominations from developing countries (plus 2 from Participating Organizations) Outreach activities and preparation of a side event in Gabon Side event of RDA Plenary in Dublin Copernicus workshop on Big Data in Brussels ICSSSM’14 in Beijing COSPAR scientific assembly in Moscow OpenDataSSDC in Nairobi IAC in Toronto SciDataCon 2014 in New Dehli Being organised: joint DSWG & DM-TF side event in Gabon
(Draft*) Requests to the Boards How to get GEO Members and Participating Organizations more involved in: Establishing national coordinating mechanisms? Developing capacity building activities to accelerate uptake of the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles and to increase awareness/use of the GEOSS Data-CORE? Monitoring their implementation providing feedback to GEO? How to strengthen “first aid” assistance to GEOSS Data-CORE providers and users? How to improve a data-driven coordination amongst the many GEO Boards, Working groups and Tasks? (* Based on current draft of the ID-01 Task Assessment and the ID.01 presentation made at the GEO Work Plan Symposium 2014)
Thank you!