URLs contain information about the “place” of online information.
A tilde ~ within a URL is a clear sign that the site is a personal website. This means much of the information found here could be thought as someone’s personal opinion not true accurate facts.
Finding.com in a web address, tells you it is a commercial website. You need to look at commercial websites as sales tools first, with information as a small piece or second job of the website.
.org simply is a non-profit label. It stood for the word organization. Anyone can apply for this type of website domain.
.net means a public or private network
If you find.mil, that website has a connection to the U.S. military.
.gov means the website is designed by a government agency.
URLs with.edu come from college-level educational institutions.
Finally if the web address contains.k12 in its address you know it is connected to a school.
Let’s look at a few- Minimize this PowerPoint and open the Google search engine website. You can find a link on the South Newton Corporation webpage. *In the search box type IBM – one of the US largest technology companies-what do see in its URL? *do a second search – type in FBI - what do see in its URL? *next type in Purdue University - what do see in its URL? *okay search now for our rivals North Newton Indiana - what do see in its URL?