USING a Garmin eTrex Legend GPS
Garmin Legend in Use
Satellite Page
Choose ‘North Up’ or ‘Track Up’ From the Satellite screen: Move the CLICK STICK to the left to select the Options Menu. Press in on the CLICK STICK (The screen will look like it does at the left). Check to see if the setting is what you want If you want to change it: Press the CLICK STICK down to highlight Track Up or North Up, depending what it is currently setting. Press in on the CLICK STOP to change it. .
Zoom In/ Out
MAP Setup
Navigation Page
Trip Page
Find Command The FIND Button is located on the bottom left
Setup Menu
Units Options
Systems Page
Enhancements to Accuracy (WAAS) Wide Area Augmentation System Geo-stationary Satellites ~25 ground stations of known location (N. Amer.) corrects for GPS signal errors caused by ionospheric disturbances, timing and satellite orbit errors Improves accuracy to 3-5m Limits antenna/receiver must be powered 100% of time. Must have good view of sky – in MB near horizon which limits use in hiking and some canoeing.
Hold the Click Stick down until this screen appears WAYPOINTS Hold the Click Stick down until this screen appears
Mark a Waypoint
Edit A Waypoint
Activate a Goto
Mark a New Waypoint Now you are ready to enter the latitude and Longitude for a known location
Create A New Waypoint
Press and Hold Click Stick to Access Mark Waypoint page
Select the Location and click to edit
What Is Geocaching? GEO for geography, and CACHING for the process of hiding a cache (cash) or treasure Hike in the woods Treasure hunt Outdoor enjoyment Family/Scout outing
What is Geo-Caching? Treasure hunt with GPS unit to find locations Database of locations kept online It’s all about the trek What is in the cache: Logbook Treasure (can be anything) Clues One rule: Take from the cache and leave something of your own (FAQs)
Geocache Found
Geo Cache Contents
Cache Containers Micros – Regular – Large – 35 MM film container Altoids tin Regular – Tupperware and Rubbermaid sandwich & 1-2 Qt. Containers Ammo boxes PCV pipe Large – 5 gal. Buckets Tool boxes
Ragged Island Geocache
How do I start to Geocache? Go to (or other geocache site) Click on “Hide and Seek” Enter a zip code, city and state or coordinates near where you want to hunt. Note the level of difficulty, the type of cache and when it was last found. Once you have selected a cache to hunt for, you can: Download or manually enter the “waypoint” to your GPS Print out the page with the coordinates, hint and logs If going on vacation, look before you leave for possible geocaches. If you know the address of where you will be, you can use to find the coordinates of that spot
Ragged Island Cache
Deer Park Geocache
Deer Park Geocache
Edit A Waypoint
SBO Geocache WayPoint A01 N37° 04.411 W076° 29.654 Cache N37° 04.362 W076° 29.724
Clearing Waypoints To Delete a Waypoint Go to Find Feature Select Waypoints Select Nearest Select the Options Menu button on the top right Select Find by name, Delete ALL or Delete All by Symbol
Clearing Tracks Select the Main Menu Go to Find Feature Select TRACKS Select the Options Menu button on the top right Select Setup Track Log Delete All Saved