State wide roll out of Decentralised District Planning Process State Planning Commission, MP
WHY DECENTRALIZED PLANNING PROCESS o Enhance participation of local people /PRI & ULBS in planning process Integrate participatory monitoring, evaluation and learning systems within the planning cycle itself Prioritize planning in advance for all departments/schemes/sectors especially flagship programmes Resource matching with “preferences of peoples’ demand” and “Departments’ pre-set targets” Effective efficient use of through access to untied funds through village level plans like CDAP, NREGA, SSA, BRGF plan etc. Achievement of sectoral goals (MDGs/ 11 th 5yr. Plan) through convergence amongst departments and schemes Enhance sensitivity and accountability towards preferences of people Build awareness level on schemes Feedback to improve scheme design Provide opportunity to build capacities of grassroots level govt. functionaries
DISTRICT PLANNING PROCESS: RESULT BASED APPROACH Agreeing to Targets & Implementation strategies Defining priority areas Rationalization and optimum utilization of resources Building of sense of ownership among the people Identifying champions at every level of implementation Driving convergences at the district level Innovations action by the district Address Social exclusion
THE PROCESSES: Planning Planning Process- Rural & Urban: Facilitation to village development committee Consultations with vulnerable group of society such as SC/ST, women, disabled etc. Needs identification Defining prioritization of activities Scheme linkages of activities Sectoral distribution of activities Convergence between schemes, departments and resources Proposed Plan of the village
THE PROCESSES: Plan Finalisation Approval of village plan in Gram Sabha Consolidation of Plans of different levels-GP, Block and District Co-option at various levels Integration of rural and urban plans in line with resource envelope Approval by DPC Submission to State (Sharing Workshop)
Structure of Institution at District level Gram Sabha (Village Development Committee) Gram Panchayat Janpad Panchayat Zila Panchayat District Planning Committee
Mechanism Adopted
B ASIC N EEDS FOR P ROCESS Human Resources Capacity Building Monitoring Financial support for carrying out the process Financial Resources or Resource Envelop (Funds available under District Schemes, state schemes, central schemes, flagship schemes such as NREGA, SSA, NRHM, BRGF etc., and own resources)
THE PROCESSES: Support & Training State level: Discussions/ Master Trainers’ identification/ planning manual/ formats/ software/ training design/ operational guidelinesplanning manualformats training designoperational guidelines Orientation Workshops (District level)- District Indicators. vs. MDGs/ Goals of 11 th five year plan Training of Master Trainers (District level) Formation and Training of TSGs (Block level) Financial support provided to 5 districts
THE PROCESSES: Support & Training Financial support to roll out the decentralized planning Trainings imparted to district and block level government officials Technical Support Groups (TSGs) facilitated the village/ urban ward plan process
T ECHNICAL S UPPORT G ROUP TSG Jan Shikshak ( Education ) ANM/ ICDS Supervisor ( Health) Sub-Engg.- PWD/ Ig./ RES ( Infrastructure) NGO Rep. ( Social Security) Patwari (Energy) ( RAEO/ ADEO) ( Livelihood )
THE PROCESSES: Planning State and District level Orientation Workshops on Decentralized Planning and Convergence Integrated District Planning Manual draftedPlanning Manual Planning Formats developed for each planning unit (village, gram panchayat, janpad, urban wards etc.)Formats
THE PROCESSES: Plan Finalization o Consolidation of plans at different levels and approval by District Planning Committee State level experience sharing Workshop (Nov, 2009)
P RESENT S TATUS Villages participated in process Block planDistricts plan Remark More than Online available …….of preparation of various plan through decentralized approach Rolled- out in all 50 districts. All flagship and state programmes are taken care of. Financial support for the participatory planning process. Resource envelope up to the block level. Prioritizing Activities by villagers themselves. Beneficiary identification during the planning process by community themselves. Assessing status of Basic infrastructure. Assessing status Delivery of services.
Process lead to ; Approx. 13,000 Technical Support Groups (TSGs ) were constituted and trained for DPP. Approx. 78,000 functionaries have been imparted training as part of the roll out process. Impaneled Technical Support Institutes.
Our website
KEY OUTPUTS Process lead to - Village Master Plan (Summary) Village Master Plan Resource Envelop Panchayat/Block/ District planBlockDistrict plan Urban/rural plan Sector-wise Plan Departmental Plan Scheme-wise plan Demand on Query option Note: Village Master Plan will be provided to all villages.
KEY OUTPUTS Process lead to - Village Master Plan (Summary) Village Master Plan Resource Envelop Panchayat/Block/ District plan Urban/rural plan Sector-wise Plan Departmental Plan Scheme-wise plan Demand on Query option Note: Village Master Plan will be provided to all villages.
List of Beneficiaries under flagship schemes
Urban1103 WCD WRD Grand Total District Resource Envelope (eg. Satna) (Rs. In Lakhs )
CONVERGENCE of SCHEMES & RESOURCES Bio-Gas ( 409 units) Bio- Sayantr a Yojna (Agri.) MP Ujra Vikas Nigam Ltd. BRGF (Gramin Vikas ) ForestSGSY Khadi Gramudyog Rajiv Gandhi Mission for Watershed Mgmt (DPAP/Harya li 1-4, IWDP )
ENHANCEMENT OF PEOPLE PARTICIPATION IN MONITORING AND I MPLEMENTATION To make the system people centric, following facilities are being provided on web-site. Individual can post his name as prospective beneficiary of any given scheme. Individual can post the progress/status of work in his/her village (monitoring). Individual can post his/her views, complaint and suggestion relating to works and services
L EARNING ' S Need Based Plan based on people participation and consultations with PRI, ULBS, Government functionaries Convergence of Resources and Manpower Matching Resources and community needs Preparation of Plan Well in Advance Easy to Monitor and Evaluate Through web based software (
Field experiences Appreciable Efforts by Departments /districts Administration & International Development Agencies (UNICEF, DFID, UNDP etc.) -Conceptualization, operational framework, Capacity Building. -District machinery mobilized to experiment -Paradigm Shifts is clearly visible
Presented by: Mangesh Tyagi Adviser, State Planning Commission MP Translating outlays in outcome Thanks