Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO Good practice in placement system in Poland
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO „Green Line – ECAM”
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO System 7/24 is an outcome of project „Labour Department 24 hours 7 days in week”. This is unprecedented venture which used new technology: 2 info lines connecter with the web portal
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO On the January 1st 2013 OHP supervision over the Employment Services Centre for Information and Consultation “Green Line” was taken over by the Main Headquarters of the Voluntary Labour Corps (OHP).
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO The „Green Line” system consist countrywide helpline and web-portal is providing informations about current job offers trainings and other services of labor market. Employers can obtain informations concerning support offered by labour department for employ unemployed and help on employee finding.
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO Advantages for job seekers: immediate access to labour department through phone, mail and web-portal, fast and professional stuff, saving time & money, contain information's concerning job offers from whole country, self-service through phone and web-portal,
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO Advantages for employer: ❑ quick and easy contact with labour department, ❑ fast employee search from CV database ❑ capability employee confusion offer of work by web portal, ❑ access to all templates from whole province, ❑ direct connection with consultant by phone, mail and web-portal,
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO
District Labour Office in Gdańsk
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO District Labour Office in Gdańsk starting from early 90’s is covered by 3-years program of International Labour Organization in Genewa supporting creating of public employment services in Poland. In 2003 as 1st labour department in Poland introduced quality system ISO 9001.
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO Labour Office in Gdańsk aim is maximum customer satisfaction by providing a professional, efficient, timely services adapt to customers needs and shaping the image Labour Office as a institution offering professional help, reliable and open to the customer needs.
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO In District Labour Office in Gdansk realized project “The new face of job placement and career counseling”. Effects: ❑ reconstruction of the department and job placement counseling, ❑ increase the quality of job placement services, ❑ improved working conditions of employment agents, ❑ introducing the labour market service standards,
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO ❑ additional programs for the unemployed “Support for actively job seekers”, „Closer to Work”, ❑ increase employed stuff of labour brokers throught to “Personnel 2008” program funded by the European Union, ❑ computers station for customers, ❑ Infokiosk, ❑ Telebim, ❑ press corner, ❑ job boards hall,
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO ❑ naming change from “interesant” to “customer”, ❑ creating the network of Job Clubs, ❑ free public transport for job seekers, ❑ creation Work Center in Gdańsk, ❑ sms employment agency service, ❑ electronic queuing system Qmatic,
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO Unemployment registered in District Labour Office in Gdańsk on
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO Statistic of District Labour Office in Gdańsk Registred unemplyment in April 2015 – 1499 people Total registred unemplyment – people Total vacancies in April 2015 – 872
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO District Labour Office in Gdynia
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO ❑ activation of the unemployed is done during the registering when customer receive quide containing general information on basic right and obligations and selected job search process forms of support, ❑ evert unemployed have individual client adviser “quardian”, ❑ guardian analyzes customer needs, ❑ together with the unemployed an Individual Action Plan is developed (IPD) ❑ selection of job offers is done in accordance with customer qualifications.
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO ❑ Customer Advisor arranges meetings unemployed with employers, provides informations concering stock exchange and dates of job fairs, ❑ depending on the needs of the customer, advisor directs unemployed on training internship refunded workplace or helps him in the process obtaining funds of start his own business, ❑ indywidual aproach: every advisor have on his workplace phone, access to internet, individual e’mail account and especially close contact of customers advisor with numerous fundations, associations and organization providing various types of assistance.
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO ❑ once per year District Labour Office in Gdynia is organizing a Job, Education and Entrepreneurship Fair, ❑ conducts constant monitoring of deficit, sustainable and surplus professions, ❑ preparing a labour market analysis, drawn up their staffing needs, basic on the information obtained from local employers and people registered as unemployed and seeking work about their difficulties in finding employment.
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO The influx of jobs offert in District Labour Office in Gdynia from July 2014 to July 2015.
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO Statistic of District Labour Office in Gdynia Registred unemplyment in April 2015 – 857 people Total registred unemplyment – people Total vacancies in April 2015 – 444
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Labour Market Competencies Contract no PL1-LEO Thank you for your attention. ☺