The Middle East and Oil
Warm Up: Look around the room and list everything you see that might be made from petroleum (oil). Content Objective: I will explain how the world’s demand for oil may be reduced through sustainable energy sources by writing a short constructed response
A World of Oil What is made from oil? Video Clip
Vocabulary Petroleum Oil reserves Peak Oil Sustainable Wind Power Solar Power Hydroelectric Geothermal Set up your paper for 2 column notes
World Oil Reserves Oil is vital to the world economy Over half of the world’s oil reserves (amount of oil left on earth) are found in the Middle East This makes the Middle East the most vital energy source in the world
Predict-Ink-Pair-Share Do you think there would be fewer conflicts in the Middle East if there weren’t so much oil located in the region? Think about your answer Write it down Share out with your elbow partner Volunteers share their predictions
Why is the Middle East So Important to Global Oil Demand? The top 5 countries sitting on large oil supplies are in the Middle East Saudi Arabia #1 Iraq #2 UAE #3 Kuwait #4 Iran #5
Demand for Oil United States uses 20 Billion barrels per day Next closest is China at 7.5 Billion Demand for oil is increasing as more countries industrialize # 1 United States:20,680,000 bbl/day 2007United States # 2 China: 7,578,000 bbl/day 2007China # 3 Japan: 5,007,000 bbl/day 2007 Japan # 4 Russia: 2,858,000 bbl/day 2007 Russia # 5 India: 2,722,000 bbl/day 2007 India # 6 Germany: 2,456,000 bbl/day 2007 Germany # 7 Brazil: 2,372,000 bbl/day 2007 Brazil # 8 Canada: 2,371,000 bbl/day 2007 Canada # 9 Saudi Arabia: 2,311,000 bbl/day 2007Saudi Arabia
Think-Pair-Share Based on the previous data do you think the United States has a deep interest in what happens in the Middle East? Think about your answer Exchange answers with you elbow partner Explain your answer to the class
Is the World Running Low? Many think we need to find new energy sources because we may be running out of oil Peak Oil is the point when world oil reserves start decreasing
Time For Sustainable Energy? Sustainable–capable of being continued Solar Power-energy from the sun Wind Power-energy from wind Hydroelectric Power- energy from flowing water Geothermal Power- energy from heat in the inner earth
Assignment Imagine the world is running out of oil. Write a short construct response detailing how you would propose to solve this problem. You must use 5 of the 8 vocabulary words in your response: Petroleum Oil reserves Peak Oil Sustainable Solar Wind Hydroelectric Geothermal