Overview of the Five-Year Online Strategic Plan Accessing and developing the plan Budget Allowable costs Assurances Compliances Practice
Revised to be more strategic, less operational User-friendly information entry Goals/Objectives/Actions and Professional Development table accessed from one screen Budget information removed from main plan Compliances similar to last year
Serves two purposes › Five Year Strategic Plan for District’s major improvement goals › Annual funding application for federal programs Special Education Component › LEA Annual Application for IDEA, Part B funds and State Aid for Exceptional Children › Due July 1, 2008
Plan Committee – Special education director is a member Data Analysis › Content narrative must include student performance and achievement information relevant to students with exceptionalities › Must include improvement needs gleaned from District Self-Assessment ; › other monitoring findings, if applicable
Goals/Objective/Activities › Enter a special education goal or attach Action Step to an existing goal › Measurable objectives may be added to special education goal at district option › Action Steps may apply to special education or a combination of programs to reflect collaborative planning but will apply to only one goal
Professional Development Plan activities are goal-specific A table is provided to enter all PD activities for the goal This allows a county print-out of all PD activities for the year by goal At district option, special education PD activities may be entered under the Special Education Acton Steps.
Two Options: › WRITE NEW ACTION STEPS FOR GOAL › OR › USE THE PRE-WRITTEN SPECIAL EDUCATION ACTIONS and add Subtasks Budget information is not included in Action Steps
01- Personnel 02 – Services 03 – Materials, supplies, equipment 04 – Professional development 05 – Early intervening services 06 – Services for students with disabilities parentally placed in private schools 07 – Facilities 08 - Other
Budget table is provided as a content box Entry in this table is similar to Microsoft Word Table can be cut and pasted into Excel to facilitate totaling the rows and columns, then pasted back (or request Excel table from OSP) Details of budget amounts and use of funds are entered in this table
Missing connection between Plan budget and WVEIS budget Need to verify the actual budget reflects the approved plan Considered pulling budget from WVEIS › WVEIS information may not be available by July 1 › Counties’ use of budget codes may not be uniform › Will consider options next year
Costs of special education and related services for students with disabilities for IDEA funds State aid for gifted and students with disabilities IDEA funds provide for excess costs of educating students with disabilities IDEA funds supplement, not supplant state, local funds and other federal funds IDEA is for costs over and above what every student should get through the Public School Support Program
May use IDEA funds for special education, related services and supplementary aids and services for students with disabilities in the general education classroom or other settings; incidental benefit to other students who are not students with disabilities is allowed May use up to 15% of IDEA school age funds for early intervening services for students not identified with disabilities
High cost consortia To purchase technology for data/IEP case management For schoolwide Title I/IDEA program; limited to per pupil allocation x number of students with disabilities in the program Must spend calculated proportionate amount of IDEA funds on students parentally placed in private schools within the district
Must have adopted Policy 2419 as the district’s procedures for implementing IDEA and state code Must have submitted District Self- Assessment Must submit EIS report if applicable Must select the caseload rules to be implemented in Must provide other assurances included with grant award
Allocations Private Schools – Calculation of proportionate amount for students parentally placed in private schools Excess Costs MOE – Maintenance of effort Early Intervening Services Report Equipment (over $5000) Construction
Number of students without disabilities who received coordinated EIS Number of students without disabilities reported above who were Initially referred and found eligible as students with disabilities (within two years).
Sandra McQuain, Assistant Director, Office of Special Programs, Extended and Early Learning (304) ut of the office: June 2-6 and Janice Hay, Coordinator Office of Internal Operations (304) ext.53423