Tatsuro NIIKAWA1 Reconstructing Local Governance LORC FORUM November 30, 2006
Tatsuro NIIKAWA2 Local governance change: Towards good governance Local governance without decentralization is no means of “good governance”. Local democracy: elected council, citizen participation, etc. Efficiency and Effectiveness Rule of law: concretely and clearly provided, keeping the due process Exclusion of corruption: public ethics
Tatsuro NIIKAWA3 Decentralized Local Governance Decentralization reform has to enforce the strengthening citizen participation and the empowerment to local public and non profit sector There must be proper governance: democratic and effective local people control needed Local people have to observe and control the local government which has more power in decentralization initiative.
Tatsuro NIIKAWA4 How to reconstruct the local governance Local governments reform by themselves is only limited: lack of driving force in it Local people can influence the operation of the decentralized system through the campaign of participatory in election Private sector and non profit sector affect the local governance to be evolved
Tatsuro NIIKAWA5 Local governance: Three steps of evolution First step: Responsive type of local governance Second step: Network type of local governance Third step: Partnership type of local governance
Tatsuro NIIKAWA6 Responsive local governance Good governance of local government Effective and efficient public service provision Responsibility and accountability for localities or region Empowerment for local citizen: providing the chance of participation
Tatsuro NIIKAWA7 Network governance Cooperation and Responsiveness of local actors: community action group, private company, NGOs Networking among local government and many local actors: Organizing the issue network and then policy network in specialized area.
Tatsuro NIIKAWA8 Partnership governance Citizen’s maturity of power and control Equal partnership between local actor and government: Cooperation of provision of public services Effective and efficient use of local resources Establishment of sustainable community
Tatsuro NIIKAWA9 Capacity building of local public and organization Capacity building of understanding public service, public sphere, and public interest Training the skills or know-how of administration and citizen participation in the community Motivation or incentive of studying by themselves
Tatsuro NIIKAWA10 Local Governance In the Community Next step decentralization: delegation of power to the community action group Organizing the partnership among the NGO/NPOs, private sector, public sector Maintaining the community sustainability: local public services through partnership Reestablishing the democratic control of partnership