Introduction A long time ago many people came from different countries to live here in Jamaica. They came from Africa, India, china, Spain, England and other Countries.
Africa is a continent; it is made up of many countries such as Tanzania, Nigeria, Ethiopia and south Africa. Africans wear clothes made from very beautiful fabric. The women wear printed dresses with matching head wraps. AFRICANS
Activities African Quilt Objectives 1. Compare the Jamaican flag to flags from other countries in Africa. Which ones have similar colours, diagonal lines etc. Compare patterns and colours of selected flags of African countries. 2. Create art work forms from pieces of African fabric. Arrange in a pattern to create a quilt. 3. Examine the real tamarind compare the texture, experiment from solid to liquid. Flag Parade Tamarind Drink
INDIANS Curry and roti are Indian dishes that are popular in Jamaica. The roti is flat and round and is made from flour dough. Sometimes Indians in Jamaica wear special clothes. The women wear saris that are of different colours and textures, these are made of different materials.
Activities Fabric Pyramid Rollie Roti Objectives 1. Observe a real roti and guess what ingredients it is made of. Feel and describe the texture of the flour in its different forms. Dry mixed with liquid, cooked. 2. Examine and manipulate samples of materials used to make Indian clothing; compare texture and arrange in a pattern.
Europe is a continent that has many different countries. Most Europeans have very fear skin, straight hair, and thin lips, their hair colour can be black, blonde, brown or red. Their eyes can be blue, brow, green or grey. People from England love to drink tea, they have many tea parties. At parties we can have tea with cookies, cakes, sandwiches, we can also have other cold drinks. Europeans
Activities Europeans Features Objectives 1. Have their own “tea party” in pretend play or during snack time; serve each other, eg. tea, juice, cookies. 2. Tea Party
MIDDLE EAST Arabs and Jews came to Jamaica from the middle east. Arabs and Jews in Jamaica work in different places but many of them own their own businesses such as hotels, shops and stores.
Activities Pita’s Shop Objectives Work in groups to construct a shopping list of items to be purchased; set up a shop corner and role play shopping for items. Use real money real money to count out the amount needed to pay for goods.
Chinese food is very popular in Jamaica; some Chinese dishes are fried rice, sweet and sour chicken, chop suey and chow mien. Chinese
Activities Food we Love Objective Create a picture bar graph to show meals ordered at the Chinese restaurant; my first favorite dish is chicken chop suey, my second favorite is fried rice and my third favorite is chicken steak. We eat these with boiled or steamed rice or noodles.