Black Death Aim/Goal : Why is the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) a turning point in history? ( ) Do Now:The United States as well as other countries have faced the “epidemic” of AIDS. Just from your knowledge of AIDS, try to define “epidemic.” How do you get AIDS? Homework: Study for Tuesday’s exam. If you do not have a review sheet ask for one.
AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Epidemic is ________________________. You get AIDS by
AIDS Epidemic is an outbreak of a disease that spreads quickly and effects a large number of people. You get AIDS by: 1. unprotected sex 2. blood transfusions 3. needle sharing
Document #1 1. What was an effect of the Crusades? An effect of the Crusades was __________ _____________________. 2. List four positive things brought on by trade with the East (China). ___________ __________________________________________________________________.
Document #2 The Bubonic Plague, also known as Black Death, was a highly contagious disease spread by fleas that lived on rats. Shortly after being bitten by a flea, people developed swellings and black bruises on their skin. Within a few days, victims often died in agony (pain). At the time, there was no cure for the plague, so many of those who became infected died. In the early 1300s, the plague appeared in Chinese cities. Rats common in the cities carried the disease. The growth of trade that had occurred since the 1100s had helped the plague to spread. Fleas from rats infested (to spread disease; infect) traders in the East, who then carried the plague into the Middle East, North Africa and Italy. By the mid-1300s, the plague had reached Spain and France. From then it spread across the rest of Europe. 1. The Bubonic Plague was _______________________and you got it by ________________________________________________. 2. Two symptoms of the disease was ______________________________ ____________________________________ 3. The plague started in ______________________. 4. The plague started because of _______________________________.
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Document #3 "In the matter of the Plague, the Jews throughout the world were hated and accused in all lands of having caused it through the poison which they are said to have put into the water and the wells. A number of Jews were tortured in Switzerland who then admitted that they had put poison into many wells. Therefore, they burnt the Jews in many towns and wrote to other towns, stating that they must also burn all of their Jews.” -The Jew in the Medieval World by Jacob Marcus 1. Is there reliable (to trust; believe) evidence that Jews were deliberately (on purpose) spreading the Plague? Why?
Document #4