If States Were A Household… If the State was described as a house what would it look like? States are just like families and we can describe the ways that they interact amongst each other and with other States similarly. How is your household? Take a second to describe it. Who is in control? Is the control concentrated or divided? Are the members of the household unified or separated?
Let’s say a nation is like… A Family/Household
Centralized Government Power or legal authority is held by one centralized/consolidated government that holds the power and sets the laws for the entire nation. Can also be recognized as a unitary state. Centralized government delegates power to the lower units only as it sees fit. Lower units are subject to the jurisdiction of the centralized government Centralized government would look like whom in the family? Centralized government would look like what type of household?
Centralized Government looks like…
Decentralized Government The process of redistributing powers or legal authority away from a central government or figure. Decentralized government is the opposite of centralized government. Instead of power/decision making being controlled by a central figure or unit it is shared between the political units. Also can be referred to as devolution. Decentralized government would look like what type of household?
Decentralized Government looks like…
Annexation To incorporate one territory into another making it one geo-political entity. Usually, it is implied that the territory and population being annexed is the smaller and weaker of the two merging States. Is different than a political union where there is no coercion or threat of force.
The Kardashian Annexation of Bruce Jenner
Sovereignty When one has independent authority over a geographic area, such as a territory, region, or state. Sovereign nations are independent/outside of foreign influence in terms of lawmaking and decisions related to their nation. A sovereign government would look like whom in the family? A sovereign government would look like what type of household?
Sovereignty looks like…
Federal State/Federation A federal system or the term "federation" is used to describe a system of government where sovereignty is divided between a central governing authority and smaller political units (such as states or provinces). A federation is a collective State formed by a number of nations, states, unions, etc. where each retains control of its internal affairs. Power to govern is shared between national and provincial/state governments.
The Sheikhs of the UAE
Confederation A government where the states are loosely connected to the larger central government and thus the central government only has power to do what the states permit. A member of a confederation recognizes its connection to a larger unit although they are essentially autonomous in terms of self governance. Think of the E.U.
Jersey Shore