Jose Gervasio Artigas by Casey Spellman
Introduction Soldier and revolutionary leader who is regarded as the father of Uruguayan independence.
Early life ❖ Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, ❖ Gaucho (aka) cowboy, in the interior of present-day Uruguay. ❖ Born into a privileged family; wealthy parents could offer many opportunities to him. ❖ Artigas was a great admirer of the United States and the Constitution. ❖ At the beginning of the Anglo-Spanish War (1796), there was a threat of a British attack upon the viceroyalty. The viceroy Antonio de Olaguer y Feliú negotiated a pardon with Artigas’ family. In return, Jose would join the Corps of Blandengues with a hundred men.Anglo-Spanish WarAntonio de Olaguer y Feliú
Military Action ❖ When he was 33, he joined Spanish military forces in South America ❖ In 1810, he became part of the Buenos Aires junta, leading an independence movement against Spain. They wanted to take back control of Rio de la Plata from Spain. ❖ In 1814, Artigas ruled over about 350,000 square miles (900,000 square km) of what is now Uruguay and central Argentina. Uruguay Argentina
Political Philosophy ❖ Artigas favored a limited federalist government that would give power to the local government. ❖ Inspired by the US Constitution, he wanted to guarantee political autonomy. ❖ Buenos Aires favored a strong central government. ❖ Eventually, his hold was weakened by his insistence on decentralized government and was finally broken by a Portuguese invasion.
Later Life ❖ He never favored independence for Uruguay, only introduced a concept of a confederation of states in the Rio de la Plata area. ❖ From 1820 he lived in exile in Paraguay; the independence of his native Uruguay was finally achieved on Aug. 27, ❖ He died in Paraguay in 1850, at age 86.
Bibliography ➢ "Jose Gervasio Artigas". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., Web. 07 Nov ➢ "General Jose Gervasio Artigas Is a National Hero and Loved by People of Uruguay." General Jose Gervasio Artigas Is a National Hero and Loved by People of Uruguay. Web. 7 Nov gervasio-artigas.html#.VFzf-eO-1sI ➢ "José Gervasio Artigas Facts." José Gervasio Artigas Facts. Web. 7 Nov gervasio-artigas