Satellite Observations and Simulations of Subvortex Processing and Related Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere Transport M.L. Santee, G.L. Manney, W.G. Read, N.J. Livesey, L. Froidevaux Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology R.S. Harwood Edinburgh University The Extra-Tropical UTLS: Observations, Concepts and Future Directions Community Workshop at NCAR October 19-22, 2009 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
22 Overview of Subvortex / Extratropical UTLS Study Export of chemically-processed, ozone-depleted air from the polar vortex in late winter / spring can significantly affect trace gas distributions throughout the extratropics Chemically-perturbed air is largely confined within the vortex until it breaks down, but the degree of containment varies with altitude Subvortex: Region below strong confinement of the vortex proper Low temperatures and polar processes also occur in the subvortex, but it experiences more vigorous exchange with lower latitudes Vortex / subvortex transition varies throughout the season from ~350 to 380 K in the Antarctic and from ~400 to 450 K in the Arctic We use Aura MLS & ACE-FTS measurements of HNO 3, H 2 O, O 3, HCl, and ClO to investigate seasonal, interannual, and interhemispheric variations in chemical processing in the lowermost stratosphere Observed trace gas variations are compared with the evolution of transport barriers from GMAO GEOS-5 meteorological analyses MLS data are also compared with SLIMCAT 3D CTM simulations
33 Seasonal “Snapshots” of the Antarctic Vortex & Subvortex – I Mid-August: HNO 3 and H 2 O depleted down to bottom of vortex; O 3 still high throughout vortex / subvortex Mid-September: HNO 3 slightly recovered; H 2 O more depleted; polar O 3 loss substantial Mid-October: HNO 3 & H 2 O significantly recovered; O 3 severely depleted throughout vortex & subvortex 2006 record O 3 hole: partly due to large losses in the subvortex White contours: Tropopause (1.5, 4.5 PVU) Black contours: Vortex edge, Subtropical jet HNO 3 H2OH2OO3O3
44 Chlorine Activation in the Antarctic Lowermost Vortex & Subvortex In 2006, CALIPSO observed PSCs at 10–15 km from late June to mid-September [Pitts et al., 2007] MLS & ACE data show that in mid- September HCl and ClONO 2 are depleted and ClO is enhanced Thus substantial chlorine activation is widespread inside the Antarctic lowermost polar vortex / subvortex MLS HClMLS ClO ACE-FTS ClONO 2 10-day averages
55 Seasonal “Snapshots” of the Antarctic Vortex & Subvortex – II Mid-November: Low HNO 3 & H 2 O imply denitrification & dehydration; O 3 recovery significant Mid-December: Vortex starting to erode; homogenization of trace gas contours suggests exchange of polar & midlatitude air Mid-January: Major transport barrier is now subtropical jet / tropopause; signature of dehydration brought down by descent HNO 3 H2OH2OO3O3
66 Seasonal “Snapshots” of the Arctic Vortex & Subvortex 2004 / 2005: Very cold in lower stratosphere Mid-January: HNO 3 substantially depleted, but no significant dehydration Mid-February: HNO 3 depletion still evident Mid-March: Substantial O 3 loss, mostly above ~12km; the minimum in polar lowermost stratospheric H 2 O is not from dehydration aloft (as in Antarctic) but from influx of drier tropical air HNO 3 H2OH2OO3O3
77 Evolution of Transport Barriers and MLS Trace Gases
88 Evolution of Trace Gases from MLS and SLIMCAT
99 Comparison of Aura MLS and ACE-FTS Measurements Aura MLS ACE-FTS Aura MLS and ACE- FTS data generally show very consistent features
10 Summary & Conclusions More than 5 years of Aura MLS v2.2 measurements were analyzed along with GEOS-5 meteorological data to investigate interhemispheric and interannual variations in chemical processing and transport barriers in the lowermost stratosphere Polar processing ― denitrification, dehydration, chlorine activation, and ozone loss ― occurs throughout the lowermost polar vortex and down into the subvortex The breakdown of the vortex at the end of winter allows mixing between polar-processed and lower-latitude air At this time a transition takes place from the vortex to the subtropical jet / tropopause being the major transport barrier Trace gas variations in the UTLS observed by Aura MLS are consistent with: the evolution of transport barriers (from meteorological analyses) Variations simulated by the SLIMCAT 3D CTM Variations observed by ACE-FTS