European Interoperability Architecture e-SENS Workshop : Collecting data for the Cartography Tool 7-8 January 2015
Click to edit Master title style Workshop checkpoint Cartography Tool sessions Cartography Tool in practice Collecting data for the Cartography Tool Document Interoperability Solutions - use case Done: Presentation and demo of Cartography Tool’s search capabilities The goal of this session is to understand how to collect and add data to the Cartography Tool through presentation, discussion and hands-on demos
Click to edit Master title style Session contents Introduction Data template file Data collection approach Data collection tools Demo
Click to edit Master title style Data update process 4 Updating the Cartography Tool data No online functionality (currently) to add or modify data Data collected in a data template input file Import by sending data template file to administrator for processing Import fully replaces existing data (“all-or-nothing”) Introduction
Click to edit Master title style Session contents Introduction Data template file Data collection approach Data collection tools Demo
Click to edit Master title style Overview 6 Main features Record a solution’s data for each of the EIRA views’ building blocks Record global metadata for the online display of the EIRA building blocks Quick access to EIRA building block documentation within the file itself Format MS excel file split in several sheets Most important sheets are the ones related to data entry for the EIRA views Additional sheets related to metadata Data template file
Click to edit Master title style File structure 7 Data entry sheets One sheet per EIRA view (“Legal”, “Organisational”, “Semantic”, …) All that is needed to document a solution Metadata sheets “Fieldnames” sheet defines the building block descriptions visible online “BB Descriptions” sheet useful for building block documentation lookup Data template file
Click to edit Master title style Data entry sheets 8 EIRA building blocks Represented as columns whose name is prefixed by “BB” Definitions are fixed (mapping one-to-one to the EIRA BBs) Entered values represent the core Cartography Tool data Custom attributes Columns following a BB column are its custom attributes Attributes can be freely added or dropped Used to capture more information for a BB (Interoperable European System - BB60 - has 17 attributes) Name relates to BB and lists value options (if applicable) Data template file
Click to edit Master title style Recording data 9 Recording a solution Data is added on rows completing the building blocks and their attributes Where no data can be entered a dash (“-”) is used Multiple values are recorded on additional rows (start by copy & paste) Some fine points When copying, select all rows up to now to avoid missing relationships Attribute values relate to their building block value of the same row Building block columns are independently processed in the import Semantically related building blocks should be treated together (e.g. “Business Process” and “Business Transaction”) for richer online results Data template file
Click to edit Master title style Session contents Introduction Data template file Data collection approach Data collection tools Demo
Click to edit Master title style 1.Document solutions directly in the MS excel data template file 2.Use a questionnaire-based approach through existing data collection tools TES Questionnaire TES Database Overview 11 Main considerations The availability of an existing structured documentation of solutions The number of people needed to contribute in the documentation process The ultimate goal is a populated data template file Alternative approaches Data collection approach
Click to edit Master title style 1.Define a mapping between existing documentation structure and target data template file columns 2.Document information directly in the data template file using mapping Approach 1 - Use data template file directly 12 When to use One already has good experience working with the data template file The target solutions are already documented using a structured approach All the information can be provided by one person Steps Data collection approach
Click to edit Master title style 1.Send out questionnaires 2.Collect and aggregate responses in the questionnaire response DB 3.Use existing mapping between DB and data template file to populate it 4.Complement data where needed Approach 2 - Use TES Questionnaire and DB 13 When to use No or little structured documentation currently exists The documentation process is targeting multiple systems Input from multiple people is required to complete the documentation Steps Data collection approach
Click to edit Master title style Session contents Introduction Data template file Data collection approach Data collection tools Demo
Click to edit Master title style TES Questionnaire 15 Purpose and added value Questionnaire implemented for ISA to collect input on Trans-European Solutions Provides a more natural way for system owners to contribute information Can be distributed to multiple people and be used for multiple solutions Mapping between questions and data template file columns already defined Data collection tools
Click to edit Master title style TES Database 16 Purpose and added value An MS excel file used to aggregate responses to the TES Questionnaire One row per questionnaire question, one column per target solution Can be used to incrementally record responses from multiple parties Easier to share, process and map to the data template file contents Data collection tools
Click to edit Master title style Session contents Introduction Data template file Data collection approach Data collection tools Demo
Click to edit Master title style Demo 18 Points to cover Hands-on presentation of the data template file and discussed data collection tools (TES Questionnaire & Database) Presentation of the data template file and TES Database currently used to populate the EU Cartography Step by step demo on how to populate the data template file Demo
Click to edit Master title style Q&A 19 ?