THE BRAIN Chapter 3
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Fatal disease of the hippocampus identified by forgetting, repeating, confusion, and memory loss; also changes to personality and emotion. “The Rock of Gibraltar”
HUMAN BRAIN Genes – chemical chains of instruction for human development Fueled by glucose Made up of Glial cells and neurons Glial cells – star-shaped cell that supports growth of and protects neurons Insulates from outside electrical impulses Release chemicals for neurons Neurons – receive and send electrical signals Limited capacity for regrowth or repair after adulthood Mind-body question
NERVOUS SYSTEM Neurons Cell body Dendrite Axon Myelin sheath Ends bulbs Synapse Nerves Peripheral – located throughout body, made up of nerves Capable of regrowing Central – neurons located in the brain and spinal cord Limited ability to repair
SENDING INFORMATION Sensors pick up information Axon chemical releases Ion fluid charges Resting state Action potential Nerve impulse End bulb and neurotransmitters
TRANSMITTERS Excitatory or Inhibitory Neurotransmitters dozen chemicals that travel synapse from end bulb to receptors Transmitters GABA and alcohol Endorphin and morphine Anandamide and THC Nitric oxide and emotions
REFLEX Sensors Afferent neurons Carry info from senses to spinal cord Interneuron Connections between neurons Efferent neurons Motor Carry info away from spinal cord Produce responses in muscles and organs
APPLICATION Research on phantom limb Plants and drugs in other cultures Parkinson’s Disease Fetal tissue transplant Head transplant