The Stent of Choice in ACS patients
The Stent of Choice in ACS 1) The Rationale…
1) The Rationale: Titanium-Nitride-Oxide Coating Absolute Lowest Thrombogenicity Effective Restenosis Reduction Shortest DAP Therapy Helicoidal Design Improved Trackability & Crossability The Stent of Choice in ACS
2) The Clinical Evidence… Titan2 vs. The Latest DES Generation
The BASE-ACS Randomized Trial BAS vs EES 12- Month Clinical Follow-Up TiTAN-2 XIENCE-V SOURCE: The BASE-ACS Randomized Controlled Trial Late Breaking Trial EuroPCR 2011
The BASE-ACS Randomized Trial ACS Population 827 Patients 100% Patients Follow-Up SOURCE: The BASE-ACS Randomized Controlled Trial Late Breaking Trial EuroPCR 2011 Titan2 vs. The Latest DES Generation
The BASE-ACS RCT 12 months MACE: Cardiac Death, nonfatal MI or TLR 7.2% 2.6% 6.8% 3.9% TITAN-2 XIENCE-V % Months after Index Procedure % P non-inferiority = HR 0.94 ( )
TiTAN2 is Non-Inferior to XIENCE V at 12 months The BASE-ACS RCT MACE (%) P non-inferiority = TiTAN-2 XIENCE-V
The BASE-ACS Randomized Trial BAS vs EES 18- Month Clinical Follow-Up TiTAN-2 XIENCE-V SOURCE: The BASE-ACS Randomized Controlled Trial Late Breaking Trial ASIA PCR 2012
The BASE-ACS RCT MACE: Cardiac Death, nonfatal MI or TLR 7.2% 2.6% 6.8% 3.9% TITAN-2 XIENCE-V % % 18 months Months after Index Procedure
The BASE-ACS RCT 18 months MACE: Cardiac Death, nonfatal MI or TLR 7.2% 2.6% 6.8% 3.9% Days after Index Procedure TITAN-2 XIENCE-V % P = 0.74 HR 0.96 ( )
TiTAN2 vs. XIENCE V at 18 months The BASE-ACS RCT MACE (%) P = 0.74 P = 0.01 P = * Definite & Probable AMI (%) *Thrombosis (%) TiTAN-2 XIENCE-V TiTAN-2 XIENCE-V TiTAN-2 XIENCE-V
The BASE-ACS RCT Titan2 vs. The Latest DES Generation * Definite & Probable At 12 months Titan-2 BAS demonstrates its Non-Inferiority vs. Xience-V EES in terms of MACE (9.6% vs 9.0%) in patients with ACS At 18 months Titan2-BAS improves its MACE score vs. EES (10.8% vs. 11.7%) due to a significantly better safety profile in terms of hard clinical endpoints: AMI (2.6% vs. 6.3%, p=0.01) Thrombosis* (1.2% vs. 3.7%, p=0.021) (with significantly less DAPT duration: 8.7 vs.10.2 months, p<0.001)
The Evidence-Based Choice for Your ACS patients !
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