A review of 2008 by Alex Twinomugisha AGM October 2008
GeSCI begins working in Rwanda April 2008 Facilitating the development of India’s first ICT4E draft policy GeSCI helps Kenya conceptualize and design its first multi-sector e-learning centre GeSCI hosts another successful AKE workshop in Kigali June 08 Ghana hosts e-Learning Africa and GeSCI is there to lend support Two independent evaluations (Namibia and Donor) affirm GeSCI’s mission and approach The Partnerships for Education Initiative (PfE) cites GeSCI’s approach to MSPEs as good practice
Tailor approaches to need of country Capacity building expertise need to be developed Multi-stakeholder approach required form pre-engagement period Reconsider timing of pulling out of countries Focused research efforts will enrich GeSCI’s work Regional capacity building compliments system-wide engagements Improve internal policies and processes Increase accountability at the programme and project level to enhance effectiveness of GeSCI’s work A robust M&E framework should be a feature of all engagement strategies from the outset
India Federal GeSCI continues to be the key advisor to the MHRD on the development of India’s first national ICT4E policy, the first draft of which was presented to the federal government in June Rajasthan Education Initiative (REI) The REI began winding down in September 2008 and GeSCI has since stopped providing in-state support to the govt. GeSCI will begin establishing a Regional ICT4E Knowledge Sharing Forum which will build capacity among ICT4E stakeholders in the region
Kenya e-Learning Centre (KeLC) GeSCI has been the eGov Directorate’s key advisory partner throughout the KeLC project-cycle. The KeLC is due to be launched in November Rwanda GeSCI’s activities in Rwanda are focused on building capacity for planning and managing ICT4E initiatives. GeSCI is providing assistance to the MoE as it roles out a wide- scale OLPC initiative. Ghana In Ghana, the focus over the last year has been on enhancing the capacity of the Ministry of Education Science and Sports (MoESS) and the Ghana Education Service (GES). Bolivia GeSCI is currently concluding its operations in Bolivia and will henceforth be focusing its efforts on building a regional profile to support ICT4E capacity building across the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region.