Cedefop research arena (Cedra) workshop Skill mismatch Identifying priorities for future research Discussion Cedefop, Thessaloniki May 30, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Cedefop research arena (Cedra) workshop Skill mismatch Identifying priorities for future research Discussion Cedefop, Thessaloniki May 30, 2008

Key research issues  The ‘what ’  Vertical / horizontal mismatch (level / field of education)  qualifications / skills  Labour / skills shortages (quantitative/qualitative)  Improve internal and external validity of the ‘skill’ measure Identifying priorities for future research May 30, 2008 Cedefop, Thessaloniki

Key research issues  The ‘How ’  Different methods/indicators = different answers  Improve robustness of measurement (objective/subjective, job requirements  Measure persistence of mismatch  Understanding heterogeneity within/between groups  Improve measurement approaches and (longitudinal) surveys Identifying priorities for future research May 30, 2008 Cedefop, Thessaloniki

Key research issues  The ‘Why ’  Positive / negative mismatch  Short-run / long-run (employer/economy)  Disentangle structural and cyclical  Obsolescence/acquisition  Understand process and dynamics of mismatch  Theories and conceptual frameworks Identifying priorities for future research May 30, 2008 Cedefop, Thessaloniki

Key research issues  Future research  Role of institutional set-ups: comparative data across countries and sectors  Importance of life-/business- cycle vs persistence: longitudinal data  Importance of choice vs circumstances: qualitative studies focusing on individual and organisational strategies  Positive and negative consequences of skills mismatch. Go beyond wages Identifying priorities for future research May 30, 2008 Cedefop, Thessaloniki

Key research issues  Future research  gender  Ageing workers  Migrants/ethnic minorities  underskilled Identifying priorities for future research May 30, 2008 Cedefop, Thessaloniki