Nominal wages / money wages Real wages
W= WM/P X 100 W= Real wages. WM= money wages. P= Price index
1) Money wages 2) Price level 3) Supplementary income 4) Nature of employment 5) Hours of work 6) Working conditions 7) Trade expenses 8) Period and cost of training 9) Employment of dependents 10) Prospect of future promotion 11) Social status
Subsistence theory of wages Standard of living theory of wages The wages fund theory The residual claimant theory of wages the discounted marginal productivity theory of wages Marginal productivity theory of wages Modern theory of wages
Marginal productivity of labour refers to change in total revenue by putting one more labourer, keeping all the other factors costant.
1. 1.All labourers are homogeneous 2. Full employment 3.Perfectly mobile. 4.Perfect competition. 5.Law of diminishing returns operates(I.e. increase in supply of variable FOP increases TP at diminishing rate. 6.Applies in the long run
Two approaches to analyse marginal productivity theory of wages : Analysis from the point of view of an industry Analysis from the point of view of a firm
OX= labour OY= wages/MRP MW=AW DD = MARGINAL PRODUCTIVITY CURVE SS= supply of labour OS= fixed E= equilibrium wages OW=ES=MRP
Short period Long period
Unrealistic assumption of perfect competition. One side Theoretical concept Difficulty in measuring marginal productivity Impractical Less employment more wages It ignores the influence of other factors on productivity Static condition
DEMAND OF LADOUR Demand of commodities Price of other factors of production SUPPLY OF LABOUR Substitution effect Income effect
Short period long period