How to Deliver a Speech Speaking Characteristics
VOICE Loud enough to be heard Clear enough to be understood Change pitch and tone Emphasize key words
Posture Stand straight with head up Stand still Your posture will show your attitude: A confident presence is an aspect of your credibility. Don’t be scared: fear can become a self-fulfilling prophecy: We can make ourselves fail... or succeed.
Body Movements Gesture when appropriate – don’t over gesture NO fidgeting with your hands No hands in pockets Don’t chew gum Move like you do in normal life, but much less
Rate of Speaking Slow or Medium pace for your audience to keep up Meet the minimum time requirement No ums, ahs, yea
Eye Contact Look at audience Don’t “watch your own feet when you dance.” Don’t stare at one spot Don’t “read” your speech
Planning Pick a topic you know about Web your topic Rough Draft fully written Proof-read Final Draft key words only on notecards PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE - say it out loud every day
Rehearse Places to practice the words: In front of family, friends, pets. In the car. In the shower or bathtub. Somewhere where you can shout without being heard. In your mind when your lips are tired. Stand in front of a full length mirror and video tape yourself.
Stage Fright Is Good and Makes You Better Looking Too! Stage fright isn't the most accurate term for what you are feeling. Most of the fear occurs before you step on-stage. Once you're up there, it usually goes away. Nervousness doesn't show one-tenth as much as it feels. Nobody ever died from stage fright or speaking in public. It makes your reflexes sharper. It heightens your energy, adds a sparkle to your eye, and color to your cheeks. When you are nervous about speaking, you are more conscious of your posture and breathing.
Stage Fright Is Good and Makes You Better Looking Too! Symptoms of Stage fright Dry mouth Tight throat Sweaty hands Cold hands Shaky hands Nausea Fast pulse Shaky knees Trembling lips
Stage Fright --Strategies Be extremely well prepared Organize your speaking notes Absolutely memorize your opening statement so you can recite it on autopilot if you have to Practice, practice, practice. Especially practice bits so you can spit out a few minutes of your program no matter how nervous you are Anticipate hard and easy questions Be in the room early. Yawn to relax your throat. Doodle. Breathe deeply, evenly, and slowly for several minutes. Don't drink caffeinated drinks. Go somewhere private and warm up your voice, muscles, etc.
Stage Fright -- Strategies cont’d. Look at your notes. Double check your A/V equipment including the public address system, projectors, etc. Put pictures of your dog, girlfriend, parents, etc., in your notes. If your legs are trembling, lean on a table, sit down, or shift your legs. Listen to music/Read a poem/something that relaxes you Take quick drinks of tepid water. Do isometrics that tighten and release muscles. Pretend you are just chatting with a group of friends Close your eyes and imagine the audience listening, laughing, and applauding Remember happy moments from your past
Stage Fright--Strategies Cont’d. Try not to hold the microphone by hand in the first minute. Don't hold notes. The audience can see them shake. Use three-by-five cards instead. Use eye contact. It will make you feel less isolated. Look at the friendliest faces in the audience. Joke about your nervousness.
Demonstration Speech: How To…… Wrap a present. Sign for the deaf. Swing a bat. Roll clothes to pack a suitcase. Do a card trick Water Ski Play an instrument Bake brownies Make pancakes Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich See my website for more ideas
USE Notecards (memorize some so you don’t rely on all of the notes. Ad lib some parts. Number them in case they get mixed up) Props/ Equipment from home Video Clips (home-made or you tube) Power Point PETS
Let’s Practice TOPIC: How to Brush Your Teeth
Web It Brushing your Teeth Purpose Materials Needed Steps/Directions rmation/Video-Library/How-to-Brush.cvsp