nef (the new economics foundation) Co-producing Lambeth what’s possible? Lucie Stephens and Julia Slay nef, October 2011
nef (the new economics foundation) About nef Independent ‘think and do’ tank based in Lambeth Work alongside practitioners to promote innovative solutions Developed a range of practical tools and publications Facilitate the co-production practitioners’ network Leading the UK debate on co-production and well-being
nef (the new economics foundation) About the Co-production Practitioners’ Network Over 350 co-production practitioners Online forum and face to face events Publications and media to increase understanding of co-production Developing and testing tools requested by membership Policy shaping and lobbying
nef (the new economics foundation) Co-production principles Public service clients are assets who have skills that are vital to the delivery of services “Work” includes more than the things we get paid for Building opportunities for reciprocity into activity increases impact and sustainability Weaving community networks around individuals and organisations increases resilience
nef (the new economics foundation) Co-producing services Goes beyond consultation, user involvement and citizen engagement to equal partnership From ‘doing to’ to ‘working with’: no more ‘users’ and ‘clients’ Shifts emphasis from providing to enabling and supporting – public service workers become brokers and facilitators, not just experts who can fix things Professional and experiential knowledge and resources are valued and combined
nef (the new economics foundation) Co-producing strategies The same principles and values of co-production apply; –working with people in an equal way –thinking about community resources and assets differently –valuing everyone’s contribution The strategy has to be flexible enough to allow the practice of co-production to flourish on the ground
nef (the new economics foundation) The self reflection audit tool Bespoke tool developed for wide range of applications including strategic planning; -Assessing opportunities for co-production within strategies or new services -Auditing current practice and planning for improvement -Engages stakeholders in reviewing existing provision
nef (the new economics foundation) Imagine (Appreciative Inquiry) What you do Ask people to tell stories of what works Use that to build a shared vision Use that to stimulate action Who you involve Who makes things happen? Who is affected by what happens? Who has good information?
nef (the new economics foundation) Asset mapping What you do Document what local resources in a given area Resources can be anything: people, local networks, buildings, local businesses, people with great local knowledge and contacts, anything with spare capacity Develop a picture of who and what exists locally that services could tap into Who you involve People who use local services Local members of the community including seldom heard groups Public and third sector staff Local councilors and community leaders
nef (the new economics foundation) Peer research What you do Work with a group of local people who represent a wide variety of groups Train them in social and peer research skills Work alongside them to explore local issues and opportunities using their knowledge and networks to get a better insight Who you involve Local members of the community Local institutions such as community centres, third sector providers, user led organisations
nef (the new economics foundation) Incentives and rewards Time credits for participation Paying people with Brixton £s Rewarding them with spare capacity within the system
nef (the new economics foundation) Spot the difference Professionals write the strategy based on their own research and information Professional expertise alone is used A consultation is launched Engagement exercises are launched Users are invited to comment on the strategy once it is launched The guiding question is: ‘what do you think of our strategy?’
nef (the new economics foundation) Spot the difference It starts with: What is the problem the strategy is trying to address? What are the outcomes people want? How it happens: People who receive support, members of the local community, service providers and commissioners/staff share their experiences and insight into services to build up a picture of provision There are regular, interesting and worthwhile events which use creative methods to develop ideas and priorities within the strategy Needs and assets are considered when writing the strategy People feel their contribution is valued, and that what they value is incorporated into the strategy The guiding question is: ‘what should our strategy be?’
nef (the new economics foundation) Beyond the strategy Embedding co-production in service design and delivery Adapting commissioning frameworks and procurement processes Properly assessing and evaluating co- production Changing workforce culture
nef (the new economics foundation) Commissioning Worked with London Borough of Camden to re- commission Mental Health day services Developed and implemented an approach that; -Specifies co-production and embeds in contracting process and performance framework -Levels the playing field for local providers -Captures the triple bottom line impacts of public spend -Encourages innovation through greater ‘service user’ involvement -Model rolling out across Camden and being implemented in Young Peoples services in Surrey
nef (the new economics foundation) Changing working practice Training and information about co- production Learning visits to relevant best practice co- production examples Ongoing telephone or face to face support Regular progress and learning reviews Documenting progress and capturing learning using multi-media
nef (the new economics foundation) Evaluating co-production Running evaluations of co-production in a wide range of settings across health, social care and housing Online and face to face wellbeing tools developed for wide range of audiences Workshops, training and publications to support understanding of value of well-being Track record of applying SROI to co-production initiatives
nef (the new economics foundation) Co-production support Co-designing services Asset mapping, Appreciative enquiry, Open space meetings, Peer research, Incentives and rewards, Commissioning co-production Theory of change, outcomes frameworks, contract guidance and procurement documentation reviews, provider capacity building, assessment and evaluation Co-production training and mentoring 1 day training, mentoring support, Co-production practitioners network Auditing co-production Co-production self-reflection audit tool, Incentives and rewards, Peer research, Wellbeing surveys, Social Return on Investment