I NFORMATION ABOUT COMPANY Company: "Rezekne meat factory" Ltd. VAT number: Legal address: 22 Rigas Str., Rezekne, LV-4601, Latvia Year of foundation: 2001 Work field: meat processing, food Number of employees: 344 "Rezekne meat factory" Ltd. was founded in 2001th and now by the finished production volume ranks the second place in Latvia.
T HE DESCRIPTION OF THE FIELD Full cycle meat processing company; Facility meets the requirements of EU; The high quality of raw materials and ready production; Wide and varied assortment; Product visibility; A wide distribution coverage.
D ESCRIPTION OF MANUFACTURING "Rezekne meat factory" Ltd. is full cycle meat processing company (starting with the slaughtering of livestock and ending with the finished product delivery to stores). After the modernization process, the company has turned into all EU requirements appropriate manufacturing facility with a modern slaughterhouse, which allows customers to offer high quality products. In production process mainly is used in Latvia bred cattle. Used spices are procured from the best manufacturers in Europe.
H ISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 2001– was established the company. ~ 25 employees; Assortment consists of about 20 products. The first customers - retail partners in Rezekne, the most important customers – stores Rimi, Maxima – HACCP certification –"Rezekne meat factory" Ltd. was awarded with prize "Gazele" as fastest growing company in Latvia – after the modernization process, the company has turned into all EU complianted manufacturing facility with a modern slaughterhouse Raznas sausage was awarded as «Favorite product in RIMI store meat production group» – canned production manufacture started to work. Result - increasing assortment range and export volumes – company started production of cold-smoked sausage; – was opened plant of frozen production and dumplings in Pinki; Alkšņu sausages got award «Product of the year» "Rezekne meat factory" Ltd. the first started collaboration with Latvian Medical Association and produce product serie without the E.
«R EZEKNE MEAT F ACTORY » L TD. TODAY "Rezekne meat factory" Ltd. provide employment to 344 workers; The company is one of the largest employers and taxpayers in the Rezekne district; The company is producing 13 production groups; Assortment includes more than 300 positions; Products can be purchased in stores all over the Latvia; Products are exported to such countries as Germany, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Greece; The company is constantly working on new product development and market.
D ISTRIBUTION COVERAGE The production of "Rezekne meat factory" Ltd. can be found in stores throughout all Latvia, as well as being exported to: Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Greece, Sweden.
A SSORTMENT Range of products "Rezekne meat factory" Ltd. will satisfy any gourmand wish! There are more than 300 items! Product assortment includes: Frankfurters Scalded sausages Cooked sausages Half smoked sausages Cold smoked sausages Smoked-cured sausages Smoked meat Grilling products Canned food Chicken products Speck Cookery Frozen products
W HY CHOOSE THE PRODUCTION OF "R EZEKNE M EAT F ACTORY " L TD. ? Well known brand Modernizated factory High-quality raw materials Quality and taste of production Wide assortments Continuous development and innovation Original recipes Attractive visual appearance of the product Promotion of production (marketing support)
P ROMOTION OF PRODUCTION "Rezekne meat factory" Ltd. regularly participates in exhibitions, make ad campaign, actively working with major retail chains, as well as support many events.