Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Improving Science Instruction Using the AAAS Atlas of Scientific Literacy and the NSDL – National Digital Science Library “Seven Reasons to Love the AAAS Atlas” Thursday, July, 8, 2010
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Agenda Introductions Atlas and missing or mis- understandings NSDL Other practical uses of the Atlas Additional instructional resources
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL The log problem… Using the maps, what big ideas were missing? – Identify each with a colored tag Are these missing or mis- understandings typical? What do we need to do to keep this from happening?
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Atlas maps What do you notice about these maps?
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Project 2061 The effort began in 1985 when Halley’s comet was visible. What will be the state of science education when the comet returns in 2061?
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Science for All Americans A listing of all the science Americans should know as as they leave high school
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Benchmarks for Scientific Literacy A sequence of goals by grade level Information on the typical understandings and mis-understandings of students
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Atlas I of Scientific Literacy A complex map showing the interrelationships of all the benchmarks
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Atlas II of Scientific Literacy More complex maps showing the interrelationships of all the benchmarks
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL National Science Education Standards Content standards School standards Teacher education standards
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL New Ohio Standards –Modeled after Atlas –Eye on Integration
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL National Science Digital Library
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Using the Atlas –Content coherence through learning progressions –Missing or mis- understandings –More effective access to NSDL
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Other practical ways to use the Atlas –Deeper InquiryInquiry –Richer Design ProcessDesign –Structured Project/Problem-Based Learning –Considering Social Justice
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Additional resources… The National Science Digital Library – Science NetLinks – Ohio Science Matrix – Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Digital Video Library – Ohio Resource Center – AAAS Project 2061 –Science for All AmericansScience for All Americans –Benchmarks for Science LiteracyBenchmarks for Science Literacy –Atlas of Science LiteracyAtlas of Science Literacy –Designs for Science LiteracyDesigns for Science Literacy Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. –
Math, Science, and Kids! Our Future. Using the Atlas of Scientific Literacy - NSDL Questions?