The Children’s playground is located at 9 th and Fulton in the Golden Gate Park. It is close to Botanical Garden, De Young Museum and Stow lake. It is one of the best known playground in SF equipped with a lot of instruments and special designed floor and that fit children’s interests. Parents love to take their kids there. Picnic here is also a popular entertainment for families at sunny days. Data gathered from observations and interviews suggest that opportunities for greater learning for parents and kids exist. This poster project proposes a slight redesign of the context where the playground is designed to encourage families enjoy their times together, to facilitate communications and interactions among parents and children. This redesign is tied to specific learning theory and assessment suggestions. 1 Abstract
Parents go to the playground with their kids and want to play with their kids there. But there seems less such opportunities then there should have. While Parents wait or watch their kids playing, they sit on benches or stand aside. Some parent walk around to talk to other parents, Some sit on the ground with blanket and foods to have a rest while their kids play. While their kids finish some pars of their activity, they will be back, talking with adults for a while and then continue their 1 Observation & Interview
2 Missing Opportunities I Parents stand beside their kids, watching them playing and have nothing else to do. There could be some change to encourage more interaction among parents and kids. More some things for adults to learn while they are waiting.
2 Missing Opportunities II While parents watch their kids playing sands, they are bored and usually not play with their kids since it is hard for them to sit so low and they had no motivation to play.
2 Resign LearningDesignAssessment - Develop materials that fit needs of different learners and efficiently use their times and motivations, Put a sand box that fits height of both parents and kids to have them play together. Some activity such as building sand castle along to facilitate parent-child interaction. Measure the usage of the sand box through observations. - Create opportunities to participate in practice and build a community for learners A bulletin board on better taking care of with a website for Parents to share their share photos, design activities or participate in discussion. Compare how parents get the information on child development. Monitor the change through discussion. - Encourage reflectionSmall sign with phone number on the bulletin board to prompt reflections and contributions Measure # of phone calls and contributors to indicate parents’ interests in participation and learning