Backroom Politics Bill Hall Tobacco Project Coordinator Modoc County Health Department
Backroom Politics Know the players Talk to the local paper Follow the money I found out who was a smoker, who was the leaders, and who was the followers. I found out who had kids in school. Met with the Superintendent and drew up an outline of the TEG/TAP policy and how it would help administration and teachers. I talked to the local editor of the newspaper. Rick felt that he can persuade public opinion on any issue and he agreed to run some anti- tobacco related articles, such as teen smoking rates, school funding based on attendance, and American Cancer Society fundraiser. I looked at who the biggest contributor to the school’s booster club and approach him on what he thought of the idea of keeping kids in school instead of suspension. This gave him a boost of importance, it made him feel that he just wasn’t giving money away. I also checked out who was the biggest advertiser in the local paper, just in case the newspaper was against the idea. This way I could have had external pressure to support this idea. 1
Backroom Politics Find different opinions I went to many other meetings, such as City Council and Board of Supervisors. I found the same citizens there questioning every decision. I decided to ask them for their opinion, but not their support. This way when the issue came up, they already knew about it and I could use some of their ideas and they would have had the sensed that they persuaded the issue. I visited every board member outside of board meetings. For example I saw Board member Jeff at a ballgame and asked him how was the family, job etc. He then asked me the same questions: I told him that kids missing school because of smoking really bothered me I wish their was a better way. This was the seed that was planted. Plant the seed
Backroom Politics Show support Get the votes Preparation Board members were under attack for cutting PE at the elementary school. It was a heated debate, I stood up and praised the board for making tough decisions and reiterated the fact that the board works hard to base all its decisions on what is best for children. I knew that two board members do not like outside governmental agencies working in the schools. So I focused on the three members that would be opened to the idea. I worked hard at letting them in on all the paperwork, examples of successes and asked them for suggestions on how to implement the program. Once I had all three on board I scheduled the item on to the agenda. I was prepared for everything. I stuck to my well thought out plan, had copies for the crowd of the proper paperwork and handouts at meetings.I made all handouts short and concise, stating studies that supported my idea as well as the money involved for the district. I practiced with co-workers at work before the meeting, I had them play the devils advocate on every point of the policy.Remember no one plans to fail, they just fail to plan. 2