What is Government?
Foldable 3 pieces of paper Layer so that they are staggered 1 inch apart from each other. Fold in ½ so there are 6 layers
Foldable Label each layer: What is Government Autocracy Oligarchy Government Responsibilities Autocracy Oligarchy Democracy Anarchy Inside label: Definition Example On the back leave space for a govt. pyramid
Government: A political system for exercising authority.
Government has 4 responsibilities. 1. Provide Public Services 2 Government has 4 responsibilities. 1. Provide Public Services 2. Maintain Social Order 3. Provide National Security 4. Make Economic Decisions
Forms of Government
Autocracy Oligarchy Democracy Back of foldable Autocracy Oligarchy Democracy Anarchy
Autocracy: Government ruled by one Autocracy: Government ruled by one. Examples: Monarchy, Totalitarian (oppressive) Dictatorships. Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Brunei Forms of Government
Oligarchy: Government ruled by a few or a group Oligarchy: Government ruled by a few or a group. Types of Government: Totalitarian (oppressive) Communist Example: China Soviet Union, United Arab Emirates Forms of Government
Democracy Democracy Government ruled by the people for the people Democracy Democracy Government ruled by the people for the people. Types of Government: Representative, Direct & Republic. Examples: United States: Republic, Great Britain :constitutional monarchy Forms of Government
Anarchy: No Government It doesn’t exist Anarchy: No Government It doesn’t exist. Somalia, Syria Forms of Government
Images of Government Draw images to represent the four systems of government. For example a Queen for monarchy.