2004/05Modelli simulativi1 Modelli simulativi nelle Scienze Cognitive Il lessico: modelli linguistici, WordNet, acquisizione lessicale Massimo Poesio
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 3 What’s in a lexicon A lexicon is a repository of lexical knowledge The simplest form of lexicon: a list of words But even for English – let alone languages with a more complex morphology, such as Italian – it makes sense to split WORD FORMS from LEXICAL ENTRIES or LEXEMEs: LEXEME BANK POS: N WORD BANKS LEXEME: BANK SYN: NUM: PLUR And lexical knowledge also includes information about the MEANING of words
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 4 Meaning …. Characterizing the meaning of words not easy Most of the methods considered in these lecture characterize the meaning of a word by stating its relations with other words This method however doesn’t say much about what the word ACTUALLY mean (e.g., what can you do with a car)
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 5 Un esempio di lexical entry: VICINO (da it.wiktionary.org) vicino sostantivo m (vicina f, vicini pl m, vicine pl f)vicinavicinivicine 1. Colui che abita accanto. (“I miei vicini vengono da Frosinone” vicino aggettivo m (vicina f, vicini pl m, vicine pl f) (“La piu’ vicina stella a neutroni e’ RX J ”)vicinavicinivicine vicino avverbio (invariabile) (“Itunes visto da vicino”)
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 6 Lexical resources for computers: MACHINE READABLE DICTIONARIES A traditional DICTIONARY is a database containing information about the PRONUNCIATION of a certain word its possible PARTS of SPEECH its possible SENSES (or MEANINGS) In recent years, most dictionaries have appeared in Machine Readable form (MRD) English: Oxford English Dictionary Collins Longman Dictionary of Ordinary Contemporary English (LDOCE) Italian: Garzanti Zanichelli Paravia it.wiktionary.org
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 7 An example LEXICAL ENTRY from a machine- readable dictionary: STOCK,from the LDOCE 0100 a supply (of something) for use: a good stock of food 0200 goods for sale: Some of the stock is being taken without being paid for 0300 the thick part of a tree trunk 0400 (a) a piece of wood used as a support or handle, as for a gun or tool (b) the piece which goes across the top of an ANCHOR^1 (1) from side to side 0500 (a) a plant from which CUTTINGs are grown (b) a stem onto which another plant is GRAFTed 0600 a group of animals used for breeding 0700 farm animals usu. cattle; LIVESTOCK 0800 a family line, esp. of the stated character 0900 money lent to a government at a fixed rate of interest 1000 the money (CAPITAL) owned by a company, divided into SHAREs 1100 a type of garden flower with a sweet smell 1200 a liquid made from the juices of meat, bones, etc., used in cooking …..
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 8 Homonymy Word-strings like STOCK are used to express apparently unrelated senses / meanings, even in contexts in which their part-of-speech has been determined Other well-known examples: BANK, LIME, RIGHT, SET, SCALE Italian: CALCIO, OBBIETTIVO An example of the problems homonimy may cause for IR systems Search for 'West Bank' with Google
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 9 CALCIO, da “Il grande dizionario Garzanti” calcio 1 [càl-cio] s.m. 1.colpo dato con il piede o con la zampa; pedata; dare, assestare, ricevere un _ 2.(sport) gioco che si svolge tra due squadre di undici giocatori ciascuna … 3.nel football, colpo dato con il piede al pallone: - di punizione, … - di rigore …. – d’angolo …. – piazzato calcio 2 parte inferiore della cassa di un fucile … derivato del lat. calx calcis …. calcio 3 elemento chimico il cui simbolo è Ca; metallo alcalinoterroso ……
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 10 Omonimia in un MRD per l’Italiano (ItalWordNet) obbiettivo, Nome [1] - scopo di un'operazione militare. (obbiettivo [1], obiettivo [1])obbiettivo [1]obiettivo [1] [2] - bersaglio nel tiro di artiglieria (obbiettivo [2], obiettivo [2]) [4] - sistema di lenti per proiettare l'immagine reale di un oggetto (obbiettivo [4], obiettivo [4])obbiettivo [2]obiettivo [2]obbiettivo [4]obiettivo [4]
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 11 Homonymy and machine translation
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 12 Pronunciation: homography, homophony HOMOGRAPHS: BASS The expert angler from Dora, Mo was fly-casting for BASS rather than the traditional trout. The curtain rises to the sound of angry dogs baying and ominous BASS chords sounding. Problems caused by homography: text to speech Rhetorical AT&T text to speech Many spelling errors are caused by HOMOPHONES – distinct lexemes with a single pronunciation Its vs. it’s weather vs. whether Examples from the sport page of the Rabbit
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 13 Why people don’t see the problem? Just as in the case of POS tagging, one sense generally more frequent
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 14 Meaning in MRDs, 2: SYNONYMY Two words are SYNONYMS if they have the same meaning at least in some contexts E.g., PRICE and FARE; CHEAP and INEXPENSIVE; LAPTOP and NOTEBOOK; HOME and HOUSE I’m looking for a CHEAP FLIGHT / INEXPENSIVE FLIGHT From Roget’s thesaurus: OBLITERATION, erasure, cancellation, deletion But few words are truly synonymous in ALL contexts: I wanna go HOME / ?? I wanna go HOUSE The flight was CANCELLED / ?? OBLITERATED / ??? DELETED Knowing about synonyms may help in IR: NOTEBOOK (get LAPTOPs as well) CHEAP PRICE (get INEXPENSIVE FARE)
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 15 Sinonimia in Italiano scorza, Nome [1] - (corteccia [1], scorza [1])corteccia [1]scorza [1] [2] - parte esterna, involucro dei frutti (buccia [1], scorza [2])buccia [1]scorza [2] [4] - (scorza [4]) "sotto la sua scorza scortese si nasconde un animo nobile"scorza [4]
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 16 Problems and limitations of MRDs Identifying distinct senses always difficult - Sense distinctions often subjective Definitions often circular Very limited characterization of the meaning of words
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 17 Homonymy vs polysemy 0100 a supply (of something) for use: a good stock of food 0200 goods for sale: Some of the stock is being taken without being paid for 0300 the thick part of a tree trunk 0400 (a) a piece of wood used as a support or handle, as for a gun or tool (b) the piece which goes across the top of an ANCHOR^1 (1) from side to side 0500 (a) a plant from which CUTTINGs are grown (b) a stem onto which another plant is GRAFTed 0600 a group of animals used for breeding 0700 farm animals usu. cattle; LIVESTOCK 0800 a family line, esp. of the stated character 0900 money lent to a government at a fixed rate of interest 1000 the money (CAPITAL) owned by a company, divided into SHAREs 1100 a type of garden flower with a sweet smell 1200 a liquid made from the juices of meat, bones, etc., used in cooking …..
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 18 POLYSEMY vs HOMONIMY In cases like BANK, it’s fairly easy to identify two distinct senses (etymology also different). But in other cases, distinctions more questionable E.g., senses 0100 and 0200 of stock clearly related, like 0600 and 0700, or 0900 and 1000 In some cases, syntactic tests may help. E.g., KEEP (Hirst, 1987): Ross KEPT staring at Nadia’s decolletage Nadia KEPT calm and made a cutting remark Ross wrote of his embarassment in the diary that he KEPT. POLYSEMOUS WORDS: meanings are related to each other Cfr. Human’s foot vs. mountain’s foot In general, distinction between HOMONIMY and POLYSEMY not always easy (especially with VERBS)
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 19 Other aspects of lexical meaning not captured by MRDs Other semantic relations: HYPONYMY ANTONYMY A lot of other information typically considered part of ENCYCLOPEDIAs: Trees grow bark and twigs Adult trees are much taller than human beings
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 20 Hyponymy and Hypernymy HYPONYMY is the relation between a subclass and a superclass: CAR and VEHICLE DOG and ANIMAL BUNGALOW and HOUSE Generally speaking, a hyponymy relation holds between X and Y whenever it is possible to substitute Y for X: That is a X -> That is a Y E.g., That is a CAR -> That is a VEHICLE. HYPERNYMY is the opposite relation Knowledge about TAXONOMIES useful to classify web pages Eg., Semantic Web Automatically (e.g., Udo Kruschwitz’s system) This information not generally contained in MRD
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 21 Recap: The structure of the lexicon A finite list of LEXEMES or LEXICAL ENTRIES Each lexeme relates an ORTHOGRAPHIC FORM with a PART OF SPEECH One or more SENSES The meaning of a lexeme (LEXICAL SEMANTICS) specified By its relation to the world By its relation with other lexemes
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 22 The organization of the lexicon “ate” WORD-FORMSLEXEMESSENSES EAT-LEX-1 eat0600 eat0700 “eat” “eats” “eaten”
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 23 The organization of the lexicon “stock” WORD-STRINGSLEXEMESSENSES STOCK-LEX-1STOCK-LEX-2STOCK-LEX-3 stock0100 stock0200 stock0600 stock0700 stock0900 stock1000
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 24 Synonymy “cheap” WORD-STRINGSLEXEMESSENSES CHEAP-LEX-1CHEAP-LEX-2INEXP-LEX-3 cheap0100 …. …… cheapXXXX inexp0900 inexpYYYY “inexpensive”
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 25 A more advanced lexical resource: WordNet A lexical database created at Princeton Freely available for research from the Princeton site Information about a variety of SEMANTICAL RELATIONS Three sub-databases (supported by psychological research as early as (Fillenbaum and Jones, 1965)) NOUNs VERBS ADJECTIVES and ADVERBS Each database organized around SYNSETS
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 26 The noun database About 90,000 forms, 116,000 senses Relations: hypernymbreakfast -> meal hyponymmeal -> lunch has-memberfaculty -> professor member-ofcopilot -> crew has-Parttable -> leg part-ofcourse -> meal antonymleader -> follower
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 27 Synsets Senses (or `lexicalized concepts’) are represented in WordNet by the set of words that can be used in AT LEAST ONE CONTEXT to express that sense / lexicalized concept: the SYNSET E.g., {chump, fish, fool, gull, mark, patsy, fall guy, sucker, shlemiel, soft touch, mug} (gloss: person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of)
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 28 Hypernyms 2 senses of robin Sense 1 robin, redbreast, robin redbreast, Old World robin, Erithacus rubecola -- (small Old World songbird with a reddish breast) => thrush -- (songbirds characteristically having brownish upper plumage with a spotted breast) => oscine, oscine bird -- (passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus) => passerine, passeriform bird -- (perching birds mostly small and living near the ground with feet having 4 toes arranged to allow f or gripping the perch; most are songbirds; hatchlings are helpless) => bird -- (warm-blooded egg- laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings) => vertebrate, craniate -- (animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brai n enclosed in a skull or cranium) => chordate -- (any animal of the phylum Chordata having a notochord or spinal column) => animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna -- (a living organism characterized by voluntary movement) => organism, being -- (a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently) => living thing, animate thing -- (a living (or once living) entity) => object, physical object -- => entity, physical thing --
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 29 Meronymy wn beak –holon Holonyms of noun beak 1 of 3 senses of beak Sense 2 beak, bill, neb, nib PART OF: bird
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 30 The verb database About 10,000 forms, 20,000 senses Relations between verb meanings: Hypernymfly-> travel TroponymWalk -> stroll EntailsSnore -> sleep AntonymIncrease -> decrease
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 31 Relations between verbal meanings V1 ENTAILS V2 when Someone V1 (logically) entails Someone V2 - e.g., snore entails sleep TROPONYMY when To do V1 is To do V2 in some manner - e.g., limp is a troponym of walk
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 32 The adjective and adverb database About 20,000 adjective forms, 30,000 senses 4,000 adverbs, 5600 senses Relations: Antonym (adjective)Heavy light Antonym (adverb)Quickly slowly
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 33 How to use Online: Command line: Get synonyms: wn –synsn bank Get hypernyms: wn –hypen robin (also for adjectives and verbs): get antonyms wn –antsa right
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 34 ItalWordNet (una produzione locale) EuroWordNet: creato da un consorzio Europeo ItalWordNet: creato da ITC
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 35 Use (more in this week’s Lab) WordNet is installed on both the Linux machines and the Windows lab On the windows machines: graphical interface Command-line interface: wn A Java interface, Jwordnet, can be downloaded from the WordNet website
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 36 Other machine-readable lexical resources Machine readable dictionaries: LDOCE Roget’s Thesaurus The biggest encyclopedia: CYC Italian: (IRST)
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 37 Readings WordNet online manuals C. Fellbaum (ed), Wordnet: An Electronic Lexical Database, The MIT Press
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 39 Practical problems with hand-encoded lexical resources Manual construction of lexical resources is very costly Because language keeps changing, these resources have to be continuously updated Some information (e.g., about frequencies) has to be computed automatically anyway
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 40 The coverage problem Sampson (1989): tested coverage of Oxford ALD (~70,000 entries) looking at a 45,000 subpart of the LOB. About 3% of tokens not listed in dictionary Examples: Type of problemExample Proper nounCaramello, Chateau-Chalon Foreign wordperestroika CodeR101 Non-standard EnglishHavin’ Hyphen omittedbedclothes Technical vocabularynormoglycaemia
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 41 VECTOR-BASED LEXICAL MODELS Both in Linguistics and in Psychology researchers have developed theories of the lexicon in which concepts are characterized in terms of FEATURES E.g., Smith and Medin, 1981; Sartori and Job, 1988 This type of approach leads to a ‘geometrical’ view of lexical entries as points, or VECTORS, in FEATURE SPACE This type of model can account for which words ‘mean the same’ A particularly simple version of this theory is the one in which the ‘features’ are simply other words Vector-space models have been shown to correlate well with the results of psychological experiments, particularly about SEMANTIC PRIMING
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 42 VECTOR-BASED MODELS AND LEXICAL ACQUISITION Vector-based models (both the feature-based and the word- based variety) also interesting because they can serve as the basis for models of lexical acquisition These models are interesting From a psychological point of view, to explain how concepts are stored in memory In neural science, they are being used to investigate SEMANTIC CATEGORY DEFICITS (e.g., Caramazza, Tyler et al, Vigliocco et al) From a linguistic point of view, because they can address the problems encountered by lexicographers when trying to specify word senses From a practical point of view: most MRD these days contain at least some information derived by computational means
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 43 Feature-based lexical semantics Very old idea in Linguistics: the meaning of a word can be specified in terms of the values of certain `features’ (`DECOMPOSITIONAL SEMANTICS’) dog : ANIMATE= +, EAT=MEAT, SOCIAL=+ horse : ANIMATE= +, EAT=GRASS, SOCIAL=+ cat : ANIMATE= +, EAT=MEAT, SOCIAL=- E.g., Katz and Fodor, 1968
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 44 PSYCHOLOGY: THE FUSS MODEL (Vinson and Vigliocco, 2002, 2003)
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 45 Vector-based lexical semantics DOG CAT HORSE
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 46 WORD-BASED VECTOR-SPACE LEXICAL MODELS, I
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 47 WORD-BASED VECTOR SPACE MODELS, II
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 48 WORD-BASED VECTOR-SPACE MODELS, III
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 49 Measures of semantic similarity Euclidean distance: Cosine: Manhattan Metric:
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 50 DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 51 Time Day FeelingVehicle Concept clustering (aka: automatic taxonomy discovery) Car Airplane Van Month Year Joy Love Fear
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 52 Some psychological evidence for vector- space representations Burgess and Lund (1996, 1997): the clusters found with HAL correlate well with those observed using semantic priming experiments. Landauer, Foltz, and Laham (1997): scores overlap with those of humans on standard vocabulary and topic tests; mimic human scores on category judgments; etc. Evidence about `prototype theory’ (Rosch et al, 1976) Posner and Keel, 1968 subjects presented with patterns of dots that had been obtained by variations from single pattern (`prototype’) Later, they recalled prototypes better than samples they had actually seen Rosch et al, 1976: `basic level’ categories (apple, orange, potato, carrot) have higher `cue validity’ than elements higher in the hierarchy (fruit, vegetable) or lower (red delicious, cox)
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 53 General characterization of vector-based semantics (from Charniak) Vectors as models of concepts The CLUSTERING approach to lexical semantics: 1.Define properties one cares about, and give values to each property (generally, numerical) 2.Create a vector of length n for each item to be classified 3.Viewing the n-dimensional vector as a point in n-space, cluster points that are near one another What changes between models: 1.The properties used in the vector 2.The distance metric used to decide if two points are `close’ 3.The algorithm used to cluster
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 54 Using words as features in a vector-based semantics The old decompositional semantics approach requires i.Specifying the features ii.Characterizing the value of these features for each lexeme Simpler approach: use as features the WORDS that occur in the proximity of that word / lexical entry Intuition: “You can tell a word’s meaning from the company it keeps” More specifically, you can use as `values’ of these features The FREQUENCIES with which these words occur near the words whose meaning we are defining Or perhaps the PROBABILITIES that these words occur next to each other Alternative: use the DOCUMENTS in which these words occur (e.g., LSA)
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 55 Using neighboring words to specify the meaning of words Take, e.g., the following corpus: 1.John ate a banana. 2.John ate an apple. 3.John drove a lorry. We can extract the following co-occurrence matrix: johnatedrovebananaapplelorry john ate drove banana apple lorry101000
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 56 Acquiring lexical vectors from a corpus (Schuetze, 1991; Burgess and Lund, 1997) To construct vectors C(w) for each word w: 1.Scan a text 2.Whenever a word w is encountered, increment all cells of C(w) corresponding to the words v that occur in the vicinity of w, typically within a window of fixed size Differences among methods: Size of window Weighted or not Whether every word in the vocabulary counts as a dimension (including function words such as the or and) or whether instead only some specially chosen words are used (typically, the m most common content words in the corpus; or perhaps modifiers only). The words chosen as dimensions are often called CONTEXT WORDS Whether dimensionality reduction methods are applied
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 57 Variant: using probabilities (e.g., Dagan et al, 1997) E.g., for house Context vector (using probabilities)
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 58 Variant: using modifiers to specify the meaning of words …. The Soviet cosmonaut …. The American astronaut …. The red American car …. The old red truck … the spacewalking cosmonaut … the full Moon … cosmonautastronautmooncartruck Soviet10011 American01011 spacewalking11000 red00011 full00100 old00011
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 59 Another variant: word / document matrices d1d2d3d4d5d6 cosmonaut astronaut moon car truck000101
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 60 The HAL model (Burgess and Lund, 1995, 1997) A 160 million words corpus of articles extracted from all newsgroups containing English dialogue Context words: the 70,000 most frequently occurring symbols within the corpus Window size: 10 words to the left and the right of the word Measure of similarity: cosine
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 61 Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) (Landauer et al, 1997) Goal: extract relatons of expected contextual usage from passages Two steps: 1.Build a word / document cooccurrence matrix 2.`Weigh’ each cell 3.Perform a DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION Argued to correlate well with humans on a number of tests
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 62 LSA: the method, 1
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 63 LSA: Singular Value Decomposition
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 64 LSA: Reconstructed matrix
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 65 Topic correlations in `raw’ and `reconstructed’ data
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 66 Clustering Clustering algorithms partition a set of objects into CLUSTERS An UNSUPERVISED method Two applications: Exploratory Data Analysis GENERALIZATION
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 67 Clustering XXXX XXXX
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 68 Clustering with Syntactic Information Pereira and Tishby, 1992: two words are similar if they occur as objects of the same verbs John ate POPCORN John ate BANANAS C(w) is the distribution of verbs for which w served as direct object. First approximation: just counts In fact: probabilities Similarity: RELATIVE ENTROPY
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 69 SEXTANT (Grefenstette, 1992) It was concluded that the carcinoembryonic antigens represent cellular constituents which are repressed during the course of differentiation the normal digestive system epithelium and reappear in the corresponding malignant cells by a process of derepressive dedifferentiation antigen carcinoembryonic-ADJ antigen repress-DOBJ antigen represent-SUBJ constituent cellular-ADJ constituent represent-DOBJ course repress-IOBJ ……..
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 70 SEXTANT: Similarity measure dog pet-DOBJ dog eat-SUBJ dog shaggy-ADJ dog brown-ADJ dog leash-NN cat pet-DOBJ cat pet-DOBJ cat hairy-ADJ cat leash-NN CATDOG Jaccard:
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 71 Some caveats Two senses of `similarity’ Schuetze: two words are similar if one can replace the other Brown et al: two words are similar if they occur in similar contexts What notion of `meaning’ is learned here? “One might consider LSA’s maximal knowledge of the world to be analogous to a well-read nun’s knowledge of sex, a level of knowledge often deemed a sufficient basis for advising the young” (Landauer et al, 1997) Can one do semantics with these representations? Our own experience: using HAL-style vectors for resolving bridging references Very limited success Applying dimensionality reduction didn’t seem to help
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 72 Applications of these techniques: Information Retrieval cosmonautastronautmooncartruck d d d d d d600001
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 73 Readings Jurafsky and Martin, chapter 17.3 Also useful: Manning and Schuetze, chapter 8 Charniak, chapters 9-10 Some papers: HAL: see the Higher Dimensional Space pageHigher Dimensional Space LSA: Various papers on the Colorado sitethe Colorado site Good reference: Landauer, Foltz, and Laham. (1997). Introduction to Latent Semantic Analysis. Discourse Processes.
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 74 Leftovers
2004/05 Metodi simulativi 75 Beyond part of speech tagging: lexical information and NL applications NLE applications often need to know the MEANING of words at least, or (e.g., in the case of spoken dialogue systems), whole utterances Many word-strings express apparently unrelated senses / meanings, even after their POS has been determined Well-known examples: BANK, SCORE, RIGHT, SET, STOCK Homonymy may affect the results of applications such as IR and machine translation The opposite case of different words with the same meaning (SYNONYMY) also important E.g., for IR systems (synonym expansion) HOMOGRAPHY may affect Speech Synthesis