1.Write up crimes on your own. You’ll need two suspects and at least three examples of trace evidence per crime scene. 2.5 kids per group – you make groups. 3.Don’t use police tape!!! 4.Make a “master” duo-tang or binder with your answer sheets and diagrams. 5.Plan for a 2 ½ hour length for processing. Remind groups to take their time and do it right!!!
Set-up took approximately 8 minutes per crime scene (by myself).
Here’s what each group should have in their kit – only rubber gloves are missing in photo …
Get them to bring in stuff for bonus marks. Make sure kits are together well in advance!!!
Each team will need: The bag or box with processed evidence. A binder or duo-tang where the write down evidence info, interview questions/ answers, suspect info. If their working theory changes they should rewrite it each time.
Each team will need: Students rotate note-taker within their group. There should be two a day. They write their name date and time where the last person left off. You will evaluate their contribution to the journal at the end of the simulation.
When you go back to class YOU become Greg the lab dude. Go to each group and give them info on 3 recovered trace evidence. They will copy info down in journals. Ask questions like, “What do you want me to do with this?”
Continue this until all trace, item and document evidence is “processed.” Based on this info, groups should know suspects and have a theory. A list of possible theories should be written in group journal.
You are now Detective Brass. When the kids determine 2 of the following 3 … Means Motive Opportunity … they can do a search or interview.
In order to do a search they must first come up with three things they’d search for. Once they’ve done this, give them all info pertaining to what was at searched location and ask them to synthesize this info!!! They should write down any additional theories.
If they chose “interview” they have to come up with 5 questions they’d ask their suspect. You check questions and if there are at least 3 good ones – do the interview (guess who gets to be the suspect, give it your best Brando/ Streep).
If all five questions were solid tell them they can have either … 2 bonus questions after first 5 have been answered OR, take DNA sample of suspect if info is not yet on file.
Kids who have epiphanies get bonus points that you will record in your “game master” binder.