Welcome! “To dream anything that you want to dream. That’s the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you what to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.” Bernard Edmonds
Why am I here? I am here because….. I enjoy teaching I enjoy kids I believe that EVERYONE can accomplish any goal with guidance and support I believe that EVERYONE able to learn I know that all students are smart, sensitive, creative and imaginative and I enjoy seeing their achievements I know that all of my students want to achieve a level of success in my classroom, and I am here to help
Class Rules In our class.. We show respect to all that enter our room. We are kind and considerate to each other. We use manners, such as saying please or thank you. We listen, everyone who speaks has something important to say. We are prepared. We have all of are materials and are ready to learn once we walk in We are honest
What happens if I break the rules? “While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions” Stephen R. Covey If you choose to break one of our classroom rules you will have the following consequences… 1 st offense: Verbal warning and a meeting with teacher about how behavior can be corrected. 2 nd offense: You will write a letter to your parents about the rule you broke and actions that you will take to correct your behavior. 3 rd : Miss fun class activity or recess, you will have to write a letter to parents about the rule your broke and actions that you will take to correct your behavior and a parent meeting.
What you need for class EVERYDAY It is extremely important for you to be prepared everyday please bring the following… Homework Reading log Planner Important paper folder A clear and open mind!
What if I am late? If you are late, Please enter the room quietly Look at the board to see where we are Pull out necessary materials to join the class If you have any questions let me know!
What if I am absent? Either before class, during break or before you are dismissed Please check the board for your missing assignments for all teachers Write down assignments in your planner Gather any materials you will need at home If you are absent, you are required to make up all work, according to the District hand book. It is normally one night for missed work, I am more then willing to work with you just let me know! I would rather you take a little more time and be successful then not turn in any work! However, if work is not turned in you will receive a zero for that assignment.
Individual Work- What is expected I expect you to do the following… Try!- The words “I can’t” are discouraged Complete all your assignments Do your own your work Have fun! Remember that … It is okay to not understand the first time It is okay to ask for help It is okay to set up an appointment to meet with me for help
Group Work- What is expected I expect you to do the following… Work Together! Be a team player Do your assigned job Pull your weight Complete your project Remember that.. Not everyone will “get it” the first time and it is OK! You all get the same grade You may not like everyone in your group but you will treat everyone with respect and dignity
Homework Home work is important, it is often and extension of what is being done in class and needs to be complete so you do not fall behind. Homework is due at the start of class Place homework in the inbox If your home work is not turned in you will not receive credit
Visitors in class I have an open door policy and visitors are always welcome in class! When coming to visit, please check into the office prior to coming to class. Once in class I invite you to observe the students at work. It is exciting to have visitors come in. I do ask that you please be considerate of the lesson that is going on and keep disruptions to a minimum.
Meeting with Mrs. Leyba Students Can request a meeting with Mrs. Leyba at any time. Parents Can request a meeting with Mrs. Leyba at any time. Appointments can be scheduled either before or after school. I ask that you allow me at least a 24 hour notice Everyone I can be reached at school, or through at
The what if’s….. What if a person walks into our class? You continue working on your assignments What if there is a substitute? You continue to behave the same as if I was in class What if we have a fire drill? You QUIETLY line up and you follow me to our assigned location What if I have a question or need something during a lesson? You raise your hand, write your question /comment on a sticky or note card and I will call you in order What if the rules and procedures are not working for us? We revisit, brain storm them to see if we need to change, modify or delete them