Briefing to CCST February 1, 2006 Dr. Leonard M. Napolitano, Jr. Sandia National Laboratories Livermore, CA DOEs Genomics:GTL Program A Protein Production and Molecular Tag Facility for California
California has the opportunity to obtain federal funding for a next-generation biotech facility. Facility would develop new technologies, processes, and materials to advance proteomics - the next life sciences frontier Facility products and knowledge would anchor Californias expertise and prestige in this critical area Because of proximity, California companies and researchers would be ideally positioned to benefit from this user facility Allies and supporters that help develop the facility will have first-hand access to new knowledge
DOEs Genomics:GTL Program aims to develop biological solutions to energy problems.
Proteomics is the next frontier in biological understanding and application. DNAProteins the blueprint the tools RNA Biological pathways/cells: the assembly lines and factories
DOE wants to build capital facilities to support their mission needs. The first facilitys mission is to produce 1,000s of different proteins and their associated molecular affinity tags annually in research quantities The facility will cost $200M and have a $40M annual operating budget A proposal call is out with team formation, technical approach, and site selection as objectives Proposal submission date is April 11, 2006
SNL, LLNL, and LBNL are forming a partnership to develop this facility. Academic Allies Other Allies Industrial Allies
LLNL The Bay Area/I-80 Corridor is an outstanding location for this bioscience user facility. SNL Numbers - biotech centers ranked by size DOE multiprogram national laboratories LBNL
Industrial and academic partnering is crucial to the breakthroughs required for all phases of production. Information/Computing/Process Control Genes/Clones Clones/Vectors Reagents/ Tags Proteins Sequence Data Gene Synthesis Protein Purification Protein Production Affinity Reagent Production Protein Characterization Knowledge
Partners and users will benefit from both technology development and products. The facility will provide an anchor for Californias competitive edge in biotechnology The life sciences community will gain new methods, new products, and increased knowledge about proteins and related materials The facility will establish standard protocols for making proteins and affinity reagents Key additional benefits will include education outreach and entrepreneurial opportunities
Were here to enlist your help. Dr. Leonard M. Napolitano, Jr. Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA (925) , Articulation of the importance of bioscience infrastructure to the state Identification of leveraging opportunities within the state to increase the economic and technological feasibility of the facility Contact: