EVALUATION OF SPATE WATER DISTRIBUTION AND APPLICATION STRUCTURES Dr. M. Munir Ahmad Engr. Zafar Islam Engr. Fazal Minallah Water Management of Spate Irrigation Systems PARC, D. I. Khan
INTRODUCTION Earthen Structure ; Not Dependable Labour intensive and Time Consuming Need repair after each spate OBJECTIVES Develop and adapt water Management technologies for distribution/diversion and application of spate water
PROCESS FOR SELECTION OF SITES AND EXECUTION Reconnaissance Surveys Reconnaissance Surveys Local community approach Local community approach Visit field with the community Visit field with the community Discusiion for Water rights Discusiion for Water rights Planning for survey Planning for survey
PARAMETER FOR EVALUATION Hydraulic Hydraulic Discharge, Sedimentation, Velocity, Erosion Discharge, Sedimentation, Velocity, Erosion Social Social Water Rights, Change in Livelihood Economic Economic Fixed and variable cost, Cost benefit Fixed and variable cost, Cost benefit
3-D View of a Field inlet/Outlet
Advantages Can close inlet after irrigation easily and avoid water flowing back out Can close inlet after irrigation easily and avoid water flowing back out Can use it to irrigate next field Can use it to irrigate next field
Improved Design of a Diversion Structure Include Bearings for easy operation
Advantages Avoid conflicts Avoid conflicts Regulate flow division Regulate flow division Irrigate several areas simultaneously Irrigate several areas simultaneously
No. of Spate VillageAugustSeptember Daraban123 Lallokot142 Mochiwal42 Gandi Ashiq31 Gara Ramzi32 Gundi Ummer42 Frequency of Spate Water Arrival during 2006, Daraban Zam
Duration (hr.) VillageAugustSeptember Daraban127 Lallokot125 Mochiwal105 Gandi Ashiq108 Gara Ramzi66 Gundi Ummer75 Duration of Spate Water during 2006, Daraban Zam
TypeDischarge (cfs) Area to be irrigated (acre) MinMaxMinMax Single way Double inlet Pipe inlet Discharge and area to be irrigated from various structures
DIVERSION / DISTRIBUTION OF WATER Location Command Area (acres) Before Area Irrigated( %) AfterArea Irrigated (%) Increase in Area(%) Gara Ramzi Mochiwal
Farmers Benefited from Distribution Structure
Area Increase for Irrigation Due to the Structure
Percentage Share of Cost
COST OF GATED STRUCTURES FOR WATER DIVERSION AND CONTROL S.NO.ITEMSMOCHIWAL GARAH RAMZI Total COST (Rs.) (Rs.)SHARE(Rs.) Total COST (Rs.) (Rs.)SHARE(Rs.) 1 Bricks, Cement, Sand, Gravel, Gravel, Stone, Iron bars, Iron gate etc Transpotation Labour and water Earth work Total
Impacts Strengthen Village organization. Strengthen Village organization. No conflict during 2006 No conflict during 2006 Irrigated area increased Irrigated area increased Farmer made a rules for contribution to maintain the structure Farmer made a rules for contribution to maintain the structure Farmer from the other villages who irrigated from the structure are willing to contribute. Farmer from the other villages who irrigated from the structure are willing to contribute. Less pressure on main bund Less pressure on main bund