SQL pepper
Why SQL File I/O is a great deal of code Optimal file organization and indexing is critical and a great deal of code and theory implementation File locking Security concerns Much more
Different SQL Servers Mysql (open source – no cost to use though may cost to embed and resell outside gpl) Ms sql (microsoft ) Oracle Sybase Access Older AS/400 – SQL machine
Structure SQL Server runs a service accepts sql commands using their version of the standard query language Allows access to the data inside the SQL server Organized into databases Tables (like spreadsheets) inside databases Gui management interface – Access / mysql workbench / mssql studio mgr
Your databases Connect with : mysql -u yourdbuser -p yourdatabase – The –p means the password will be entered later. You can also put the password right after the p as in pmypassword. No spaces and no quotes – Your database name is your db user and is usually your ecampus logon name – You should also be able to connect to pepperdb See your tables show tables See information inside your table select * from tablename
Create a table CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name column_type ); Plus insert PRIMARY KEY ( id ) at end Ex: create table tut( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, date DATE, PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ); Credit to :
Create a related table Create table types ( type VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, manager int not null, PRIMARY KEY ( type) ); Table picture from wikipedia
Insert a row INSERT INTO table_name ( field1, field2,...fieldN ) VALUES ( value1, value2,...valueN ); Examples: INSERT INTO tut ( title, type, submission_date) VALUES ("Learn PHP", "php",NOW()); INSERT INTO tut (title, type, submission_date) VALUES ("Learn MySQL", "db",NOW()); INSERT INTO tut (title, type, submission_date) VALUES ("Learn Oracle", "db",NOW()); Credit:
Insert rows into another table INSERT INTO types values ("php", "php tutorials",10); INSERT INTO types values ("db", "database tutorials",20);
Query your tables select * from tut ; select * from types; select * from types inner join tut on tut.type = types.type;
Select statement Select – keyword indicating just looking List all columns (* for all; table.column) From – keyword indicating table names follow Table name Join type + next table + on + matching fields Where – keyword indicating row selection Column = something
Switch to another database Show databases Use
Summary What is SQL How to open a database How to create tables How to query tables – very, very basic How to switch database context