Florida Department of Corrections Trends in Correctional Populations, Time Served, and Staffing Prepared by: Bureau of Research & Data Analysis September 17, 2002 Jeb Bush, Governor Michael W. Moore, Secretary
Percentage of Floridas Prison Population Sentenced Under Minimum 85% of Sentence Served Law As of June 30 Percentage of Prison Population Source: Florida Dept. of Corrections, Bureau of Research & Data Analysis - September 13, 2002 * Projected *
Floridas Prison Population As of June 30 Number of Inmates Source: Florida Dept. of Corrections, Bureau of Research & Data Analysis - September 13, 2002 *Based on CJEC projections - September, % increase in prison population from 1999 to 2007 *****
Source: Florida Dept. of Corrections, Bureau of Research & Data Analysis - September 13, 2002
Total Offender Population As of June 30 Source: Florida Dept. of Corrections, Bureau of Research & Data Analysis - September 13, 2002 *Based on CJEC projections - September, 2001 * *
Reduction in Full Time Equivalent Positions As of June 30 Source: Florida Dept. of Corrections, Bureau of Research & Data Analysis - September 13, 2002 A 12.1% (3,599 ) reduction in Full Time Positions
Total Offender Population Compared to Reduction of Full Time Equivalent Positions As of June 30 Source: Florida Dept. of Corrections, Bureau of Research & Data Analysis - September 13, 2002 *Based on CJEC projections - September, 2001 * *