Saint Polycarp
Guess the price of each item and add them together…
With the Real Total, subtract your total. REAL TOTAL YOUR TOTAL REMAINDER
Saint Polycarp
Students and their parents are held individually responsible for information contained in those pages. Failure to read and understand these regulations will not excuse a student from their observance.
Three absences for the semester may result in no credit. An interview with the Director will be arranged to discuss the situation.
Students not in their rooms by the designated time will be considered tardy. Attendance is recorded at the beginning of the session. If you’re late, report to the Office in order to maintain proper records. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their attendance is recorded.
Any recorded absence will warrant a phone call to the parent or guardian to notify that their student is missing…
An absence is considered “excused” if the office is contacted BEFORE the start of class. both and (just in Or you may call the office leaving a message of the student’s name and room number (or phone number)
Significant School Events (unforeseen sports practice, school function) Illness or medical emergency Unforeseen emergency (in such cases, you can notify the office after the absence)
“I forgot” “I misunderstood/misread the calendar” “I have too much homework.” “I have no ride” “I never got the Announcement/Notification/Calendar” “My kids never game the paperwork.”
Be good Be especially CHRIST-LIKE
1. First incident: Warning by the Catechist 2. Second incident: Phone call from the office 3. Third incident: NO CREDIT for semester
10 hours by Dec. 7, 2011 20 hours are due by April 13, 2012 To gain “credit” for the hours, you must submit a Service Hours Reflection Sheet. Signature of “Service Supervisor” Equally important is a good reflection You may get more hours for an excellent reflection ;)
Bishops Letter (Due March 21, 2012) Registration for Spring Electives (November 16) 20 Service Hours due, April 13. Sponsor Application due, Yesterday
The current plan for the second semester: no quarters… just a second semester.
The Confirmation program works under the umbrella of youth ministry… We don’t’ have a functioning English Youth Ministry yet… But we are organizing once a month grand youth events… By March, our leadership team will be ready to host weekly youth nights on Thursday evenings.
Youth (students) = go to pavilion Spanish = Stay in Hall Vietnamese = Room 18 English = Room 17