Civil War At Home (5 years) By Rachel Harding A4
Even before the war there was a lot of tension between the North and the South because the South wanted to leave the U.S. because Abraham Lincoln was elected president and Lincoln did not agree with slavery and the South were afraid that Lincoln would abolish slavery and that it would ruin their way of life because they needed the slaves for their plantations.
1861 The Civil war started on April 12, when the Confederates attacked the Union at Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay.
Important People and Roles Elizabeth Blackwell Clara Barton Winfield Scott Fredrick Douglass Copperheads Effects Economy
Elizabeth Barton Was the first woman in America to receive a medical degree Elizabeth had a really hard time being accepted as a female doctor in any of the colleges that she applied at Elizabeth after graduating she opened a hospital in 1868 with her sister Elizabeth was a big help in the cause with abolishing slavery and helping in the Union hospital camps
Clara Barton When the civil war began Clara was one of the first to volunteer at the infirmary to care for wounded soldiers Clara soon went out into the field in late 1861 to help the wounded soldiers there In 1865 President Lincoln appointed Clara as General Correspondent for the Friends of Paroled Prisoners mainly meaning Clara would be to answer frantic letters from the friends and relatives of missing soldiers and locate them by searching prison rolls, parole rolls, or casual lists from camps in Annapolis, Maryland Clara is the one who established the red cross in America
Winfield Scott Before the Civil War Winfield was a part of the Mexican war and was a hero when he defeated Mexico city By the time of the Civil war Winfield had already served in the military for 50 years and under 14 different presidents In the Civil war Winfield was a very succssful general for the Union and was greatly admired in America
Fredrick Douglass Was a very famous black man during the civil war When Douglass was younger he was a slave and was taught to read even though it was against the law for slaves to know how to read write While he was still a slave he got sold to a slave breaker and was very badly whipped and got the better of the breaker Later in life Douglass was able to convince people that he was a free man Fredrick during the Civil war petitioned for emancipation(freeing of slaves in the south)
Who are copperheads? These were the people who lived in the north but favored the south and wanted them as allies. Many pressed that Lincoln should end the war and strongly oppressed the president Even in that time the copperheads were very racist. They caused a lot of trouble because they wanted nothing to do with the freed slaves It got to such a high tension level in New York that there began riots
Effects of the war on the northern women While the men were at war the women had to tend to their crops with only their kids to help with the plowing Also many of the factories had few workers and the food went up because so much of it was shipped to the soldiers on the battle field Women tried to help their loved ones the best they could by making bandages, helping the wounded in the hospitals at home or in the field and some of them dressed like men and joined the army Over 250 women were recorded that joined the army and were probably more
Effects of the war on the southern women There was a lot of damage in the south as most of the battles occurred in the south It was hard as many of the men had to leave home as they joined the army and the slaves were able to exert more power with not very many people to enforce them. Many say the south suffered the most from the lack of men to help provide
Economy North The economy was not too bad in the north as they did not depend on slaves for food or money. During the war the Union started printing money that needs to be backed up by gold like a check South The south had a harder time because the slaves were running away or being freed by the Union especially after the emancipation. The south also printed money because they were having money problems and they were not able to back it up with gold
Works Cited eld_ p:// war-facts eld_ p:// war-facts aphies/clara-barton.html aphies/clara-barton.html eld_ eld_