Environment for Growth Interpretation Project: Issues for Discussion Dr. Calvin Jones
Interpretation & artwork How far is volume measurement possible, appropriate or desirable for interpretation? If not volume, what else is a measure of interpretation success? Can/should we standardize such measurement?
Interpretation & artwork Potential volume estimation? –where interpretive elements are geographically close/linked to E4G sites or links… –where those sites/links benefit from visitor survey… –additional survey questions added to visitor questionnaire: recognition / satisfaction
Interpretation and Artwork Visitor satisfaction? –Would require dedicated survey recognition usefulness appropriateness –Survey face to face? self complete at nearby hotspots? online/e-survey via user groups?
Interpretation and Artwork Little point in high cost volume estimation for the sake of it Position as part of holistic offer that drives visitation overall but some measure of evaluation would be welcome to cement additionality and ensure future funding(?)