Technical Working Group Kim S. Jacinto-Henares World Bank/ IFC Business Registration (Entry) Reforms
2 TWG on Business Registration (Entry) Reform NGAs (Streamlining & Simplification) LGUs (Harmonization & Standardization) TWG Legal & Process Review SEC, BIR, SSS PHIC, Pag-ibig LCP DPWH, CICT BFP DTI DILG NCC (TCF) ARTTF PDF-GIC PBR NCR LGUs
3 Expected Outputs Legal and procedural review of local and national regulations in business registration Output 1 Standard business registration procedure (SBRP) Output 2 Department orders and local ordinances to endorse and implement the SBRP Output 3 Action and advocacy plan to roll out SBRP Output 4 Compliance monitoring mechanism Output 5
4 APPROVING COMMITTEE Organizational Structure and Membership DILG DTI LCP CITIES Usec. Panadero Usec. Maglaya Mayor Abalos Mayor TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT DILG DTI LCP CITIES IFC Ateneo – Regulatory Simplification Project NGAs DILG LCP IFC Admin Rep Ateneo-Regulatory Simplification Project ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARIAT Dir. Legal Services Dir. NCC-TCF LCP Exec. Dir. Mayor BFP, DPWH, others Technical Rep Policy Officers BPLO Technical Rep
6 Activity Timeline Activity Number MILESTONE ACTIVITIES OCTOBERNOVEMBERDECEMBER W3W4W1W2W3W4W1W2W3W4 1Organizational meetingOct20 2 Legal and procedural review of of city regulations and processes 3 Presentation of findings/recommendations to Approving Committee 4 Legal and procedural review of NGA regulations implemented by cities 5 Presentation of findings/recommendations to Approving Committee 6Coordination of findings with LGUs and other NGAs 7 Preparation of Standard Business Registration Procedure (SBRP) 8 Presentation of SBRP to Approving Committee for approval 9Preparation of Action Plan and Monitoring Mechanism 10Presentation to Approving Committee for approval 11Launch and roll out of the SBRP Task 1: Development of standard business registration procedures
7 Activity No. MILESTONE ACTIVITIES JANUARY (2009)FEBRUARY MARMAR APRAPR MAYMAY JUNJUN JULJUL AUGAUG SEPSEP OCTOCT NOVNOV DECDEC W1W1 W2W2 W3W3 W4W4 W1W1 W2W2 W3W3 W4W4 1Advocacy, consultations and marketing 2Identify cities for SBRP implementation 3 Development of capacity building modules 4 Roll out training and compliance and monitoring mechanism 5 Implementation of the SBRP in identified cities 6Monitoring and Evaluation Activity Timeline Task 2: Implementation, monitoring and evaluation