8 th grade Registration
Today, we will…. Discuss promotion requirements for 8 th grade Discuss curriculum & options for 8 th grade core classes Discuss options for 8 th grade electives Reflect on our current grades (time permitting!)
Promotion Requirements To be promoted, students must pass Language Arts pass Math pass Social Studies or Science pass half of remaining classes pass BOTH the Reading EOG & the Math EOG with a Level 3 or 4
8 th Grade Core Classes Science Social Studies Language Arts* Math* *TEACHERS RECOMMEND YOU FOR CLUSTER/PLACEMENT IN LANGUAGE ARTS AND MATH!
Science Curriculum covers Scientific Inquiry Technological Design Hydrosphere Chemistry Evolution Theory Cellular Biology
Social Studies Curriculum examines the roles of people, events, and issues in North Carolina history. Emphasizes revolutionary times through today. Stresses the importance of geography, civics, and economics.
Language Arts Focus for 8 th grade is on “informational expression.” Students work to increase comprehension strategies, vocabulary, and an understanding of language structure and grammar rules. Students write for a variety of audiences and purposes.
7 th Grade Algebraic Thinking II 8 th Grade Algebraic Thinking III Algebra I Math Your math teacher will recommend you for one of these classes! Pre-Algebra 7 th Grade 8 th Grade
Math Algebraic Thinking III The student must have mastered the 7 th grade curriculum. Curriculum will focus on applications in: – Skills – Problem Solving – Extension and Enrichment – Appropriate Use of Technology
Math Algebra I The student must have successfully completed Pre-Algebra and demonstrate a desire and ability to accelerate in mathematics. Major principles & concepts include: – Operations with polynomials and matrices – Creation and application of linear functions and relations – Algebraic representations of geometric relationships – Introduction to nonlinear functions Students must pass the Algebra EOC (counts 25% of the final grade) to receive high school credit for Algebra.
Healthful Living REQUIRED for 8 th graders! Health education & physical education Health education – Proper exercise in your daily life – Communication and stress management – Dangers associated with harmful and illegal drugs – Nutrition, dietary guidelines, and weight management – Positive health and fitness goals – Peer Pressure
ELECTIVES!!! Spanish
Electives Year-Long Electives Concert Chorus** Advanced Band** Jazz Band** Spanish B** Curriculum Assistance*** *For students in Special Programs **Requires Teacher Approval Semester Electives Drama Drawing Pottery/Sculpture Visual Composition** Exploring Life Skills I Exploring Technology Systems Computer Keyboarding Business Computer Tech I** Exploring Business Technologies**
Concert Chorus This course provides a variety of singing opportunities for students. Audition required! Year-long! Vocal techniques and music reading are emphasized.
Advanced or Jazz Band Only 8 th graders can take Advanced Band or Jazz Band. Pre-requisite = Intermediate Band Please ask Mr. Hopkins to initial your selection. If you are not in band this year, you cannot sign up for Advanced Band or Jazz Band!
Spanish B Year-long! Pre-requisite – Spanish A. Focus and emphasis on Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing Culture Students who complete Spanish A and B and who pass a final exam after Spanish B will receive a high school credit for Spanish I.
Drama Semester class Students develop specific skills that allow them to study and create characters for the stage. Activities include stage directions simple set/costume design prop collection play production
Art Classes Drawing Semester class Students are taught drawing techniques using various media. Pottery/Sculpture Semester class Students have the opportunity to use a wide variety of media such as paper, wood, clay, plaster, papier mâché, and/or fabric to create three-dimensional forms. Visual Composition Semester class Students who have already taken Visual Arts may take this advanced course with teacher approval.
Exploring Life Skills I This course explores life skills essential for teens, now and in the future. Units include Nutrition and wellness Resource management/budgeting Sewing skills Decision-making skills Relationships Child care
Exploring Technology Systems Introduces students to basic technological principles, processes, and skills such as safety, design and problem solving, team decision making, and information gathering. Students explore sketching technical drawing model rocket & bridge building computer-assisted graphics computer-aided design electronic devices
Computer Keyboarding General keyboarding instruction Students learn basic keying skills & word processing concepts Students MUST take Computer Keyboarding before other computer-based electives!
Business Computer Tech I** Prerequisite = Keyboarding – Teacher Recommendation Required! (Have your keyboarding teacher initial your registration sheet!) Basic computer hardware concepts, computer ethics, and software applications Gain experience with Word processing Database Spreadsheets Desktop Publishing Multimedia Telecommunication applications
Exploring Business Technologies** Prerequisite = Keyboarding AND Business Computer Technology I – Teacher Recommendation Required! Explore the nature of business Study careers and computer applications used in financial services information technology marketing management entrepreneurship
Registration Sheet On the front Ask your parent to write comments as necessary. 2. Review your teachers’ recommendations. 1. Please check to be sure contact information is correct.
On the back…. In the Upper Right Hand Corner Please list electives taken in 6 th and 7 th grades if you have not already done so! Please rank your top 6 choices 1 = top pick ↓ 6 = lowest pick (you still want your #6, but not as much as #1 – 5) If you select an elective on your registration sheet, and you get that elective next year, you WILL NOT be allowed to switch! You AND your parent/guardian need to sign the registration sheet!
RETURN YOUR REGISTRATION SHEETS, WITH PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE by Track 1: April 8 th Track 3: April 13 th Track 4: TBA Now to review...
Semester Electives: ______ Drama ______Drawing ______Pottery/Sculpture ______Visual Composition* ______Exploring Life Skills I ______Exploring Tech. Systems ______Computer Keyboarding ______Business Computer Tech. I* ______Exploring Business Tech.* ______ESL IV (Language of Sci. and Soc. Studies-requires ESL teacher approval)* * Requires teacher’s initials ***Please note that students who do not demonstrate grade level proficiency on the 7 th grade EOG tests may be placed in Reading and/or Math remediation in place of their elective.*** Year-Long Electives: ______ Concert Chorus* ______Advanced Band (Prerequisite: Intermediate Band)* ______Jazz Band* ______Spanish B* ______Curriculum Assistance (Special Programs class and must be specified on the student’s IEP)* * Requires teacher’s initials Please list electives taken. 6 th Grade: ______________________________ 7 th Grade: ______________________________ Name __________________________________ NCWISE ID # ___________Track _______ All eighth graders will take Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Healthful Living. In addition, they will take two semester-long electives or one year-long elective. Refer to the Middle School Planning Guide ( for a description of electives. Final decisions regarding elective class offerings are subject to change based on student interest and staff availability. Please rank your top 6 elective choices (1-highest through 6-lowest). Parent signature ______________________ Student signature ______________________ Current East Cary students should return completed and signed registration forms to their homeroom teacher by ( varies by track). Students who currently attend another middle school may bring their registration form to the New Student Orientation or mail it to:East Cary Middle School Student Services Department 1111 SE Maynard Road Cary, NC List electives Rank choices: 1-6 Sign Return
Middle School Program Planning Guide Type in “Middle School Program Planning Guide”