Westfield Middle School Journey
Building Goals Cognitive Goals: At the end of the school year, 70% of the students in 6 th, 7 th & 8 th grade will achieve their growth target on NWEA MAP Assessment in Math and Reading as shown on the ASG report by NWEA. Cognitive Goals: At the end of the school year, 70% of the students in 6 th, 7 th & 8 th grade will achieve their growth target on NWEA MAP Assessment in Math and Reading as shown on the ASG report by NWEA. Affective: By the end of the school year , Affective: By the end of the school year , Westfield students will increase their respectful behavior as measured by a 3% decrease in office referrals written for insubordination and inappropriate behavior.
CCC Data Character Counts Points Character Counts Points Change for Change Change for Change International Dot Day International Dot Day Pinwheels for Peace Pinwheels for Peace Mix it Up at Lunch Mix it Up at Lunch Thriller Flash Mob Thriller Flash Mob One Million Bones Challenge One Million Bones Challenge Rachels Challenge Assembly Rachels Challenge Assembly Sharing Tree Collection Sharing Tree Collection BMX Assembly on Fairness BMX Assembly on Fairness Football for Heart Football for Heart Cake Challenge for Charity Cake Challenge for Charity Girls on The Run Girls on The Run Spring Play: the revealers Spring Play: the revealers Illinois Youth Survey Illinois Youth Survey Culture Climate Committee Culture Climate Committee
CCC Continued Grade Level Activities Grade Level Activities – 6th grade: the revealers novel & Karate Kid bullying write and discussion – 7th grade: Anti Bullying Day, Honesty Day and Bully Literature Circles – 8th grade: Tolerance Arm Band Simulation Raina Telgemeier: Author Presentation Raina Telgemeier: Author Presentation – She spoke to the students about her graphic novel Smile and the bullying situations she experienced growing up. – She also explained how her graphic novels reflect her personal situations growing up as a student who was bullied.
Illinois Youth Survey Highlights School/Community /- I feel that there is a teacher that really cares about me. 52 % 90 % +38% I feel that there is teacher at school that notices if I have trouble learning. 52 % 89 % +37 % I feel that there is a teacher that encourages me to work hard in school. 68 % 93 % +25 % I am happy to be at this school. 42 % 69 % +27 %
MAP Math Data Progress
MAP Reading Data Progress
NWEA Math Overview
NWEA Reading Overview
Orange Box Kids Percent of Orange Box Students who MET their target after interventions ReadingMath 6 74 % 76 % 7 84 % 92 % 8 76 % 97 %
Progress Monitoring: RtI A systematic research based method used to measure a students progress on a given intervention. MAP: Universal screener MAP: Universal screener AIMSweb: Weekly for students in Tier 2 and Tier 3 AIMSweb: Weekly for students in Tier 2 and Tier 3 – Maze: Reading comprehension – Rcbm: Reading fluency – Mcomp: Math computation – Mcap: Math applications – CWS: correct word sequence for writing Tier 3 1 time/week Tier times per month Tier 1 Universal Screening 2-3 times per year
RtI Interventions One significant improvement with RtI at Westfield is intervention periods: One significant improvement with RtI at Westfield is intervention periods: – Students receive RtI interventions consistently during a class period in place of their exploratory class – RtI interventionists assess students with weekly progress monitoring tests – When students make adequate progress, they graduate out and go back into exploratories
RtI Students Data % of students …… ReadingMath 6 65 % 58 % 7 70 % 70 % 91 % 8 58 % 58 % 78 %
Reading Plus Structured Silent Reading Program Reading Plus is a 30 minute computer-based program that students use 2-4 times weekly. Reading Plus is a 30 minute computer-based program that students use 2-4 times weekly. Students are placed into the Reading Plus program based on Z-scores, a composite of their MAP, ISAT, and OLSAT test scores. Teachers also give their recommendations for student participation based on this data. Students are placed into the Reading Plus program based on Z-scores, a composite of their MAP, ISAT, and OLSAT test scores. Teachers also give their recommendations for student participation based on this data. Many students have shown Many students have shown improvements in their reading improvements in their reading comprehension skills as a result of comprehension skills as a result of participating in the Reading Plus participating in the Reading Plus program. program. RTI interventionist supplement RTI interventionist supplement Reading Plus as Classroom Reading Plus as Classroom Curriculums with additional reading Curriculums with additional reading comprehension activities comprehension activities
Rocket Math Rocket math is a 10-minute paper / pencil program that builds students skills with math facts 4 days weekly. First students work on multiplication, then division. Students are monitored by an adult and paired with a peer for a two-minute timed practice. They then take a one-minute timed test. Rocket math is a 10-minute paper / pencil program that builds students skills with math facts 4 days weekly. First students work on multiplication, then division. Students are monitored by an adult and paired with a peer for a two-minute timed practice. They then take a one-minute timed test. Rocket math is done by students in both the regular education program and special education. Regular education students are chosen to participate based on their Z-scores, which are a composite of OLSAT, MAP and ISAT, as well as teacher recommendation. Rocket math is done by students in both the regular education program and special education. Regular education students are chosen to participate based on their Z-scores, which are a composite of OLSAT, MAP and ISAT, as well as teacher recommendation.
For five years, Westfield has successfully increased students ISAT test scores in reading and math by providing students with additional instructional time, focusing on the basic reading and math skills needed to succeed both on the ISAT test and as a student 6 week program for one period per subject per week 6 week program for one period per subject per week Materials: ISAT Coach series Materials: ISAT Coach series Small groups worked with trained paraprofessionals Small groups worked with trained paraprofessionals The groups consisted of 6 or less students The groups consisted of 6 or less students Lessons were designed in order to improve math and reading skills Lessons were designed in order to improve math and reading skills ISAT Bubble Kid Program
Bubble Kid Program Data ReadingMath 6 63% 63%94% 7 69% 69%83% 8 89% 89%94%
Lunch Bunch ISAT LUNCH BUNCH 2010 A voluntary group of students that meet at lunch time once a week for six weeks prior to the ISAT test. This group works on ISAT reading and math test prep.
ISAT Data 2011 Meets & Exceeds ReadingMathScience % 94.1 % N/A % 96.8 % % 93.5 % N/A
MAP Spring Data % Proficient Aligned to State Standards Fall to Spring Reading 6 : : : : : : : : : 97.6 Math 6 : : : : : : : : : 98.4
MAP Spring Data % Meeting or Exceeding Growth Targets Fall to Spring 678 Reading 57.1 % 63.0 % 60.2 % Math 63.6 % 75.4 % 75.4 % 78.0 %
ECRA Writing Results FallSpring 6th th th Integration results Integration results 6 Traits 6 Traits 7 th & 8 th Grade Improvement 7 th & 8 th Grade Improvement All grade levels are above All grade levels are above National Statistics National Statistics Baseline Data: 1 st year of the test Baseline Data: 1 st year of the test
What is next… Consistency with our interventions Consistency with our interventions using data to drive instruction Math Interventions Math Interventions ECRA Writing ECRA Writing Common Core Common Core RIT Band Work RIT Band Work
Contributions to our Success Teaching Staff Teaching Staff TRS Support TRS Support RtI Interventionists/Reading Specialist RtI Interventionists/Reading Specialist Students & Parents Students & Parents Administration Administration Board of Education Board of Education