Autumn 1 st Half term Test Questions and Answers
Typical question Morgan’s profile of mood state (POMS) is a questionnaire given to performers to establish their relative measures on the six mental health states of fatigue, vigour, tension, depression, anger and confusion. (a)Research has shown that the profile for POMS differs between elite and non-elite performers. Describe these differences. (3 marks) (b)What are the advantages and disadvantages of using questionnaires to provide psychological information? (4 marks) 10/12/2015Akeley Wood PE Dept2
Answer (a) elite score higher on vigour; no difference/below on other scores; iceberg profile; presence of profile no guarantee of elite ability; max of 3 marks (b) advantages max of 3 marks high researcher:respondent ratio/lots at a time/quick; cheap/cost effective; numerical/objective measures achieved; reliable; disadvantages max of 3 marks weak validity; tendency to give expected answer/lie; difficult to self-assess; ambiguity/ misinterpretation of question; max 4 marks 10/12/2015Akeley Wood PE Dept3
10/12/2015Akeley Wood PE Dept4
10/12/2015Akeley Wood PE Dept5
Typical question The cognitive and somatic state anxiety of the competitors may vary as the start of the race approaches. The cognitive and somatic state anxiety of the competitors may vary as the start of the race approaches. (i) What do you understand by the terms cognitive state anxiety and somatic state anxiety?(2 marks) (ii) Describe how cognitive state anxiety and somatic state anxiety may vary prior to and during the race.(3 marks) 10/12/2015Akeley Wood PE Dept6
Answer (b)(i) A.Cognitive state anxiety – psychological/feelings of nervousness/ apprehension/ and worry (not mental/mind thoughts); B.Somatic state anxiety – physiological/awareness of arousal – sweaty palms/ high heart rate/butterflies/nausea/muscle tension etc (Do not credit not physical)2 marks (ii)A. Cognitive state anxiety increases slowly/gradually in the days prior to competition; B.Changes during competition/fluctuates, as the likelihood of success or failure changes; C.Somatic style anxiety tends to be low well before competition, but increases rapidly as event approaches; D.Generally decreases during competition. Accept annotated diagrams3 marks 10/12/2015Akeley Wood PE Dept7
Exam Question 10/12/2015Akeley Wood PE Dept8
Answer 10/12/2015Akeley Wood PE Dept9
Typical question Competitors at the 2004 Athens Olympics who did not get beyond the heats may eventually suffer from learned helplessness. (a)What do you understand by the term learned helplessness and suggest the likely cause of it?(3 marks) (b)Sufferers of learned helplessness may require attribution retraining. Explain what attribution retraining is and suggest why it is effective.(3 marks) 10/12/2015Akeley Wood PE Dept10
Answers (a) 1. Inevitable/expectation of failure; 2. Loss of motivation/leading to giving up; 3. Global/specific;sub max 2 4. Attribute failure to stable/internal factors/ability; 5. Suitable e.g./keeps losing to same competitor 3 marks (b) 1. Idea of realising that failure is not inevitable/teaching appropriate attributions;Sub max 1 mark 2. Allow performer to achieve success; 3. Attribute success to stable/ internal/ability/controllable factors; 4. Attribute failure to unstable/external factors/luck/task difficulty/effort/ 5. Improve self-esteem/confidence/feel/good/motivation; 3 marks 10/12/2015Akeley Wood PE Dept11