America Starts on It’s Path to Becoming a World Power!
Theodore, “Teddy” Roosevelt made a significant impact in America’s military and economic interests. His ideas and projects also aided the U.S. on their road to becoming a world power. Let’s find out how....
Remember.....The United States acquired additional land, around the world, after defeating Spain in the Spanish American War.
The United States needs a canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This would help us with trading with other countries and military issues. This is where Teddy Roosevelt wanted the canal.
The United States needs a canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This would help us with trading with other countries and military issues.
What is a canal? A man-made waterway used for travel or shipping.
In 1882, a French company tried to start a canal in Central America. But they had to stop because so many men died from diseases such as yellow fever and malaria.
The United States figured out a way to stop the spread of mosquito borne illnesses. They drained swamps, covered water supplies and tents with nets, and put in new sewers. This allowed the United States to finish the Panama Canal.
The Panama Canal Completed in 1914
Once the Panama Canal was built, the United States had clear access to world trade. The Navy could defend U.S. interests all over the world.
“By far the most important action I took in foreign affairs during the time I was President was related to the Panama Canal.” m6A